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Chapter IV

Sehun woke up early. The sun raises went through the curtains of Sehun’s room. He opened his eyes and groaned. He has to attend school. He snapped at the reality when he remembered that Luhan, his new classmate, will be living together with him.

He went to the bath room cleaned himself and went down to the kitchen. Luhan was sitting and munching food, Mrs. Oh pinched his cheeks. “Lulu~ eat slowly and eat more okay? .... Oh sehun-ah” Luhan’s eye turned to Sehun who’s glaring at him. He drifted his eyes and continues chewing the food. Sehun sat across Luhan, he is still glaring at him. *Is he that angry to me? Did I did something wrong?*  Luhan thought. He drink the milk which Mrs. Oh made. Mrs. Xi is working right at Mrs. Oh’s boutique right now, so she cannot go after Luhan.

“Sehun-ah, you and Lulu will ride the Limo together, arasso?” *Lulu?....* “I’m not riding with anybody” Sehun protested as he walk away from the door of the car. “And where are you going” Mrs. Oh placed is hand to her waist. “Obviously taking a bus” “No, get inside now” Mrs. Oh is making a don’t-you-dare look.

Sehun sat inside the car, frowning, followed by Luhan -who’s being a D_O- . The entire ride was silent until Sehun break it. “So…. Remember all the things that I’ve said to you arasso? No one will know that you and I are living together or close.” Luhan didn’t respond again. He just stare at the car’s window fancying the view of Seoul’s street. “Yah! Why aren’t you talking to me. Aish. Just do it okay?” Sehun bounced his back at the chair. The car parked where no one is around. Luhan bowed at the driver and run as fast as he can, he didn’t want Sehun to caught him again. Bringing up the topics about earlier again.

“Where’s that little deer?” Sehun looked around but Luhan was nowhere to find.  “Great!”

Luhan entered the class room frowning. His classmates are greeting him, except Sehun’s group. They are not yet there. Kyungsoo hugged Luhan behind which made Luhan surprised. “Lulu~ you’re so cute. Do you know that?” Luhan pouted. “Why is everyone calling me Lulu? First is Mrs. Oh-“ I almost forgot  “Mrs what?” Kyungsoo asked. “Nothing…” Luhan pinched Kyungsoo cheeks and take their seats.

Sehun entered the room soon along with his friends. He gazed around the room, zooming his view of the deer. He noticed that he is laughing his ass off, which made Sehun curious. What are they talking about?  Sehun slammed his bag through his chair and glaring at Luhan and gaining the attention of the students. What is his problem again? Luhan ignored Sehun’s presence whenever Sehun and his company keep throwing things at him and teasing him. Luhan didn’t mind though, he just writes notes and listens to the teacher. The the 1st, 2nd and 3rd periods are now over.

~Lunch time~

Kyungsoo and baekhyun grabbed Luhan’s arm. “Lulu, you’re eating with us okay?” Lay joined them together with the Tao and Xiumin. They comfortably at their table it was far enough at Sehun. They went to the canteen area and bought some luch. “Lulu after this, we’re going to show you around campus” Tao shyly told Luhan. “Okay baby panda” Luhan beamed at Tao. Xiumin is playing Luhan’s arms. They swang each other’s around when they accidentally bumped each other’s arm to a Student and causes Luhan to fall. “Yah! Why are you so careless you f*cking deer.” Sehun shouted at Luhan. He was surprised that Luhan fell. Tao immediately carry Luhan to the clinic.

~at the clinic~

Luhan, Lay, Xiumin, Tao, Baekyun and kyungsoo decided to accompany Luhan and skip class. They were waiting for Luhan to be awake which is currently unconscious. Sehun arrived 1 hour after the incident. He was asked what happened during lunch.

“He was flirting with the steamed bun over there when they idk if it’s accidentally or purposely,  but the soda that I’m holding got spilled then Little deer step and he got fell. The end” Sehun sat rolling his eyes.

When Luhan got awake, Xiumin hugged Luhan and apologize. Sehun frowned at the situation. “Can I leave now?” Sehun stubbornly asked, which Luhan noticed. “Luhan tried to run after Sehun but he failed because head pain strikes. He planned to appoligize at Sehun when he got home. 

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