Chapter 7

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After I get ready we are all in Ian's car heading to the movies. On the way there me and Janet trying to figure out the type of movie we wanted to see. Ian had no choice because of him tickling us. So he was slouched in the driver seat mumbling that we better not pick out some dumb chick flick. At the end we choose to see a horror movie. I don't really care for them but Janet really wanted to see this one. For me I was laughing on the inside on how ironic the movie was. It was about werewolves. These type of movies just made me laugh they couldn't get any of it right. Some came close, but not all the way.

Well we got inside the theater payed for are tickets and bought some popcorn and drinks. We made are way down the huge hallway to the room that was playing are movie. We, by we I mean Ian choose to site at the top. So we headed there and sat in the middle of the row. We waited for the movie to start. More people filled the room. After about half an hour of previews the lights dimmed then turned off. The actual movie was starting.

Ian was laughing not at the movie, but at Janet she loved horror movies she just couldn't handle them very well. So every time Janet jumped Ian would laugh at her. She soon got tired of him laughing she would punch his arm lightly to get him to shut up. That would make me laugh.

The movie was good, but boring after awhile the people trying to find the killer wolf. So after awhile I dozed of to sleep. I woke up to my body heating up. Did I have a fever? I could feel my wolf stirring so I looked around with my wolf sensing I was also sniffing the air. Once I did I caught a sniff of something really good. I felt butterflies in my stomach once I knew it was the guys musky scent. I tried to find him, but I could see him. Until he sat right beside me. I let out a little yelp and glared at the guy. He only gave me a smirk.

"What are you doing here?" I asked him a little hostile since he did scare me.

"Let's see watching a poorly done movie," he said stealing a piece of my popcorn.

"Hey that's mine! Hands off," I pull the bucket closer to me.

"Hmm I don't think so anymore," he takes the bucket from me and starts eating the popcorn.

"Hey you can't do that," I was going to say more but stopped when he stared at me. All I could see was lust in his eyes.

"I think I can ma lykita," he growls. I can feel my body heating up to his words. I'm still looking into his eyes when I see them turn black. I gasp and look at my feet.

"What did you see?" He asks.

"Nothing I saw nothing," I answer him.

"Ma lykita you must be truthful with me. I can see through your lies. So tell me what you saw," he says taking my chin in his hand. He pulls me head so I'm looking into his eyes. There normal, but soon turn black as night.

"He's a wolf," my wolf tells me," he's also are mate."

I don't understand,but I whisper tried him. "Your eyes turned black,".

"Is that so. What does that mean?" He says still holding my face.

"It means your a wolf," I say still looking into his dark eyes. Even though there black I can see love, curiosity, and lust swirling in his eyes.

"Ma Luna you are right," he growls, "you are also my mate,".

"What is that?" I ask him.

"This is not the time or place. How about we go to your place hmm?" He asks.

"Umm sure," I don't know what I'm doing but I know I can trust him. My wolf also says we can so I do.

The movie is over and I look over to my friends. Janet looks like she's going to pass out. I laugh at my friend she always seems to get sleepy after a movie. That's why we always watch them late at night. I walk over to Ian.

Hey Ian umm I'm not going to need a ride from you guys. I got a ride with a friend from the university," I say hoping he doesn't ask anything about this.

"Uhh sure Nikki. Just text me so I know you got home safe okay," he says while looking me straight in the eyes.

"I will. Thanks for the night out," I wave to him and walk over to the guy.


"Hey what's you name?" I ask the guy once in his car. Funny I never asked for it in the diner.

"Oh sorry for not giving it to you my name is Adam," he says driving to my direction to get to my apartment.

"So your a wolf huh? So I'm not the only one out there in the world,"I say looking out towards the road.

"Yes I am a wolf. No your defiantly not the only one. There are over hundreds of people like us in the world. May I ask how do you not know anything about this? He asks.

"I was adopted as a baby, so I never knew one day I'd turned to a wolf. I just thought I was a freak, but I grew to love how I am. I like being a wolf," I say thinking about myself in wolf form.

"So I guess that means you don't know about packs, rouges, and mates?" He asks me pulling into my parking lot.

"Nope I don't, but I guess after tonight I will?" I say getting out if the car. I walk into the building and climb the stairs to my door and unlock it. I walk in and then he does while shutting the door closed.

"Yep after tonight you will," he says.

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