Chapter 4

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P.O.V - Nikki

I drive down to the forest. Its like a second home to me. My wolf is happy to be hear again. I take my clothes of and leave them in my truck. I shift, the shift doesn't hurt like it did the first time. Now it's a pleasurable feeling. Once in my wolf form, I walk through the trees. My wolf wishes to run and hunt. So I give in to my wolfs instincts. I take in the scents of my surroundings. I can smell rabbits, deer, and some birds. There is another scent, but I don't know it. My wolf likes the scent and so do I. I wonder what made the scent, but I come up blank. I go back to the hunt. The deer is closer so I choose that as my prey.

I'm down wind so the deer can't smell my scent. My wolf is bigger then normal wolves, but I am a very silent like a shadow. I laugh at my little joke. My wolf is solid black with piercing blue eyes. My fur is glossy and is soft as silk. My teeth are a brilliant white. There also very strong. I can crush bones with one bite. My claws are very sharp, I can tear through any animals hide. To keep them sharp I'll claw on rocks and trees. My wolf is four feet tall and five feet long. I am very strong. I have fought with other animals in this forest, but I always win the fights.

Back to my hut, I creep up on my prey. I don't make a sound and the deer isn't moving so it doesn't know I'm near it. Before it has the chance to know I pounce on its back and sink my teeth into its neck. My mouth fills with its sweet but bitter tasting blood. With one quick motion it's neck snaps. I let go and look around to see if there are other animals in the area. I don't want them taking my prey from me. With the kill made my wolf had taken control and started eating the flesh. When I had my fill, I started to run. Just to stretch out my legs. I could feel my powerful muscles bunch and the release with every step I made. It took a lot if running before my breathing was coming out as pants.

I stopped running when I came across a lake. I took a drink then waded into its cool waters. I stayed there until I was cooled of I walked out and shook all the water from my fur. Now my fur was plastered to my body. I laid there in the sun to dry. After awhile I looked to see where the sun was it was close to setting. So I got up and started running toward the direction my truck was in. While running I felt like someone was watching me, my wolf wanted to stop to see what it was. I had to stop her from taking control.

"Sorry, but I can't check it our right now you know I have to get to my job. I can't be late again," I tell her. She just growls to my response,but doesn't try to fight me on the matter.

Once I see my truck I stop running and I shift. I'm back into my human form and all ready miss being my wolf. I change into my work clothes that's always in my truck. For this very reason. Once dressed I hop into my truck and head out to Ian's diner. I work there as a waitress. Ian is my best friend. We've been friends since the first day of kindergarten. He was my only friend till Janet moved here during junior high. We were friends when the teacher made us be lab partners in science. We were inseparable since. They are my best friends still.

Ian didn't always run the diner. His father did he named it after him. That's why the place is called that. When is father died, Ian took over. He loves the place just as much as his father did. Me and Janet started working there in high school when Bill; Ian's father; was alive. We still work there for Ian. It's a great place to work everyone is so happy and the food is amazing. You can never get tired of eating the food.

I pull into the parking lot of the place and I walk in. I take a deep breath when I walk in. I moan inside my head at the smell of the food cooking.

"Looks like someone wants to eat," Janet's voice breaks through my food trance.

"Haha you know I always want to eat," I say to her.

She puts her arms around me in a hug acting like she hasn't see me in years asking how I'm doing. I laugh and smile when she tells me about her weekend. She went to the movies with her brothers, which always ends with them doing something stupid. Yet you can't help at laugh it's just that funny. We make are way to the back and clock in. We put on are name tags. Like we need them the people who eat here know are names are like family.

Me and Janet take are shifts at the same time so we always see each other. I work the right side while she works the left side of the dinner. I start to take people's orders and give them to Josh so he can start cooking.

"Well Nikki you look very nice today," Josh says before he starts coughing. Josh is an older guy he's in his fifties. He's also a smoker and that's why he cough like he does.

"Thank you Josh, and you know you should really quit smoking. I don't want you to get sick on me again," I say to him pleading that he stops.

"You know I try, but can't help myself. You also know I'm not going to get sick, I'm healthy as a horse," he smiles while giving me the people's orders.

"Thanks you Josh," I say while picking the food up. Before I go I give him one more smile.

I give the family there food, and I head back to my chair waiting to see if anyone needs anything else. While I wait I start to wonder where Ian is. He's usually out here talking to everyone or helping Josh fix the food. So I walk over to Janet to ask where Ian is.

"Hey Janet where is Ian?"

"Oh he's in the office. I think he said he had some business to take care of Im not sure," she tells me before she heads over to another table.

I get more curious, but I know not to mess with him when he's in the office. So I go around checking the table. I clear off a few when the bells chime to say someone walked in. I look over and see a guy. I've never see him here before. So after dropping the dishes off in the kitchen I walk over to him.

"Do you need anything?" I ask the guy.

He's sitting in one of the back table on my side of the dinner. His hair is a dark shade of brown. He's in a dark pair of jeans and has on red t-shirt that shows off his muscles really well. His skin is a light tannish color. I look and his eyes are a very brilliant green. Then my nose is flooded with a musky scent. It causes my mouth to water. My wolf stirs at his scent. Soon my wolf is howling on word in my head

"Mate! Mine! He's are mate!" My trance is broken by the sound of him talking.

"Yes, I'd like to have a drink ad something to eat," he says staring into my eyes.

I feel naked under his gaze. I feel like he can see into my soul. My wolf is still screaming in my head.

"Okay what would you like?" I ask trying to keep my hand from touching his hair.

"I'd like the hamburger and a glass of water," he saying reading from the menu.

"Okay," I say going to give Josh the man's order.

While waiting for the food to be ready. I start thinking of thoughts that surprise me. I just want to touch the guys hair and face. I want to kiss his pink lips. With my wolf vision I can see every detail of his face. I just want to trace every part of his face. I jump when Josh tells me the food is ready. I blush at my thoughts and Josh just smiles, because he saw where I was looking. I turn another shade of red when I see the guy smiling at me. Oh no did he see me staring at him. God I'm such a creep. I walk over to him and hand him his food and drink. I ask if he needs anything else and he says no. So I walk to the bathroom to get my self under control. Once I do, I walk back out and sit in my chair. Every once in awhile I'll glance his way. I stop when I see him looking back at me.


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