Chapter 1

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A/N: sorry for spelling and grammar mistakes. Please comment if you like the story so far <3.....

I take in my surroundings, I'm surrounded by tall pine trees. I can feel the soft forest floor under my paws. Yes, I am an animal not just any animal, but a wolf. I am a wolf shapeshifter. I've known I was one since the first time I shifted. I was thirteen,it scared the hell out of me. I was outside playing with some friends from school. Well one of them had an idea to push me down the hill. After rolling down the hill, I was angry at him. I started yelling at him and all of the kids ran away, which later was a good thing. Yet, that made me even more mad then all of a sudden my bones were cracking and popping. I screamed as the pain was all I knew. It felt as if I was on fire, the fire was soon gone. I didn't know what happened to me until I heard screaming. I looked up and there was my mother screaming at the top of her lungs.

"A WOLF!!" is all she kept yelling.

She then started running towards the house. I still didn't understand what was happenig until my father came back with a shot gun aimed at me. I yelped and took of running towards the trees. Later in my life I learned that my wolf is what made me run. If it wasn't for her I would have been killed by my own father.

After that day I learned I was a shapeshifter, and that my animal was a wolf. Also after that day I asked my parents if they really were my true parents. They didn't know how I found out, they also didn't ask how I knew. They told me no they wern't my true parents and I was adopted. Then they showered me with love, I told them I wasn't upset. After that I knew why my father had pulled a gun on me that day. He didn't know his daughter could turn into a wolf.

Its been a few years since I've seen my parents for they died tree years after I learned I was a shifter. I was sad when they died they may have not been my true parents but I loved them so much. For they were all I knew. I sometimes still visit there graves and just talk to them as if they were still here with me. When they died I had to stay with my aunt Linda. I didn't get along with her very well. So once I turned eighteen I moved out to the apartment I live in now. I've lived there for almost two years.

"Crap," is all I think to myself when the thought of my apartment.

I have a date I'm suppose to be getting ready for. So I start running towards my truck. I shift then get dressed. I hope inside my truck and start heading to my apartment. Once I'm there I run up the stairs to get to my room on the second floor of the building. I unlock my door and rush to get my clothes ready. I jump in the shower to wash off all the dirt and grass from my run in the forest.

I get out of the shower and start working on my hair. In the mirror I see my long black hair. I dry it, then I start to flatten it. Once my hair sorta agrees with me I step out of the bathroom. Putting on the clothes I picked out. With little choices in my closet I had picked a light blue button up shirt. It was made of that shiny yet soft material with white pearl shaped buttons. The shirt was tight in all the right places so it showed off my curves. If I was wearing a looser shirt my curves would be hard to notice. Then I put on a pair of black slacks. I'm not a dressy type person. Then I dig in my closet to find my black boots that goes with this outfit. Once I found them and had them on my feet. The door bell rang.

"Coming! Just a minute," I yell towards the door.

I rush to the door. Before I answer it I fix my hair and calm myself with one big breath. I open the door and I see my date. I see his usually messy brown hair is fixed and in place. He has in a black button up shirt with black buttons. He's also wearing black jeans with his favorite pair of boots. I notice that his boots are cleaned and polished.

"Wow, Jack you sure clean up nice," I say to him.

"So do you Nikki," my heart flutters when my name is said from his lips.

I've known Jack for a week, and today is are first date. I didn't know he liked me until yesterday when he asked me out.

"So are you ready to go?" He asks.

"Oh, yeah I'm ready," I say. Grabbing my keys before shutting the door behind me.

"Okay," he takes my arm into his and we walk down the stairs to his car.

His car is a silver Lexus. It's new but not the newest model. We get in and he starts the car. I try to hide a laugh because it was funny to me that the car purred. I know some new cars do that, but it was just a funny sound to me. He doesn't notice me covering up my laugh.

"Umm... so where are we going?" I ask while watching the passing trees. The trees lessen once we get closer to town.

"Where going to eat at the Purple Alley," he says while watching the road.

"The Purple Alley?" I say with wonder.

"Yeah, it's this new restaurant," he says with a little hint of joy in his words.

"Oh ok." is all I say as we past the city lights.

Where getting closer to the center of town. Jack pulls into a parking lot. When we park and get out I look at the huge purple sign. As we get closer to the doors, my wolf starts to whimper.

"What's wrong?" I ask her.

"I don't like the feel of this place, something seems off to me." She says with a little bit of fear. That put me a little on edge my wolf has never been scared. I keep walking with Jack I can't just tell him I don't want to be here. I can't, because I've never been here before and he looks so happy to be here.

A/N: so what do u think will happen. Sorry for the mistakes if any..... ❤

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