Chapter 10

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I let her wolf out, and attacked.

My wolf was in full control over me, my mind was filled with the blood lust that was controling my wolf. He hurt us and he deserved to be in pain, but my human side wanted to show mercy. Before, my wolf could cause more harm to Jack I willed to take back control until he started to attacking back.

I lost my footing when a gust of wind blew past me. What the hell, i thought.Where did the wind come from I closed my window and how did it become so strong?

"You stupid girl you don't see that you are not the only creature off the night. You are not alone you filthy lycan!"

Not the only creature of the night? What does that mean? Lycan? What is he talking about?

"Your still not getting it through your thick skull? I'm not just a human I'm a warlock from the Blood clan, the strongest and largest clan of warlocks and witches," he says with words flooded with pride.

I attack while he was destracted talking about his clan. I jump on his side and sink my teeth into his shoulder, yet not hard enough to kill.

" You'll wish to did kill me," he laughs.

Before I realize what's going on my grip on his shoulder is broken from a pain so unbearable that my wolf subdues under it. I change back to my human form unwillingly. I curse myself for not killing him. Before I fall into the embrace of darkness, I watch Jack dig through my apartment. Before my eyes closed I whimper for I hate the feel of weakness.


I woke up to the sounds of yelling.

"I see you failed me again Jack," a strange man says.

I look at the man he's tall and well built. I can see his hair is jet black and flows to the middle of his back. His eyes are a burning orange color. I also notice he's shirtless and in a pair of jeans. Then I see Jack standing in front of the guy.

"I'm sorry my Lord, but the girl she didn't have it in the apartment. I looked everywhere," Jack said in a tumble of words.

"Jack it was an easy task I sent you to do. Now wasn't it?" The man said kindly.

"W-why yes it was my lord,"

"Then why did u fail me!" he bangs his desk.

"She didn't have it,"

"Jack what did I say to you if you failed me again?" he words sent chills down my spine.

"Lord! You wouldn't would you?"

"What did I say?

"Y-you said I would regret it,"

I watch Jack take a step away from the man. From his scent I can tell he's terrified of this creature. I look back at the guy and try to read into his character. He seems like a confident person from how he holds himself. Also from Jack's reaction to him he must be powerful or a very good trickster with the power he possesses. I shudder from the look he gives Jack before he speaks.

"Now Jack be a good lad and don't make this harder then it truly is. So I do advice you not to run. You know good as everyone else it just makes your death a lot more dreadful,"

"Lucifer you wouldn't do this to me your own flesh and blood? Brother?"

"You are no brother of mine! you mess up every task assigned to you. I knew better than to give you this task,"

I watch in shock this man I now know called Lucifer is Jack's brother there nothing alike no resemblance. One so opened the other a brick wall. One who still has a good presence surrounding him. The other with nothing but an evil darkness surrounds.

"What are you going to do to me brother?" Jack says full of fear.

"Don't call me brother!" and with that Jack was soon engulfed in blue fire.

Soon the room is filled with the dieing screams of Jack's burning body. The smell of burning flesh invades my sensitive nose. The chills on my back from how Lucifer just watches the fire devour his brothers body. He only holds a cold stare then a small yet noticeable smile. Soon the screams are gone, but the smell stays with the pile of ash on the floor.

"You weren't good enough to call me an acquaintance," I watch as now Lucifer's eyes are now on me, "Now my lovely pup you will tell me where you hidden the dagger or you will join Jack in the same fate,"

"I don't know what you are talking about. I don't know anything about a dagger," I whisper for I lost my breath from the smell.

"Fine I'll leave you to think of where it is or you can be of better use to me," he says dragging his hand across my shoulders as he leaves the room.

I flinch from his touch. I watch as he walks away laughing while I start to shake. He leaves me in a dark room tied to a chair. I don't know where I'm at.

How did I get here? how could I let this happen to me? what did I do to deserve this? Dagger? I don't even know anything about a dagger. Also I don't want his hands on me in any way.

Soon my thought take a dark turn as my wolf try to take control. I wish I could be in my wolf form so I can sink my teeth into his neck and rip it from his shoulders. Taste his blood as I watch the life drain from his eyes. I shake my self to stop thinking this is my wolf trying to get control.

Soon my world turns dark. My mind is flooded with nightmares as I fall into an I welcomed sleep. I snap back awake when I feel a sharp pain across my face.

I open my eyes to she a crazy haired woman staring at me. I see her lick her fingers.

"Mmm you have some very sweet blood pup," she moans," but not my cup of tea," she laughs.

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