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Midnight. That's when we started to get ready. I had just been woken up by Tobias and I looked over at Nico. I was sleeping in his arms, so he was kinda locked with me. "Nico," I whispered. He opened his eyes sleepily. "We gotta go," I said trying to get up. He nodded and we stepped out of our own sleeping bags. Asha and Leo were In each of their own and holding hands as if they were afraid of lose each other. Tobias went to wake them up. I yawned and went to Dakota, "Dude, wake up." I whispered shaking his shoulder. He mumbled and opened his eyes, "What?" Nico slipped on his jacket, "We're leaving." He said. Dakota sat up and yawned stretching.

   I turned to Tobias, "Are the pegasi ready?" I asked slipping the bow and arrows over my shoulder. He nodded. "Yeah, and I also made our packs, just in case we get separated." He said gesturing to the table with bags. I went over and grabbed my white backpack with the black filling of a dandelion and it's seeds drifting in the wind. Nico grabbed his and I brought Leo and Asha's theirs.

   Once we were ready we slipped out of the Hades Cabin and to the pegasi which were resting on the side of the cabin. The neighed quietly and Asha put a finger to her lips, "Hush..." I looked in the distance and saw Mrs. O'Leary sitting by my pine tree sadly. Her eyes were full of loneliness.

    I went over to her, "I'm sorry girl, but up we have to go... I promise we'll be back." I pet her softly and went to Nightmare as Nico and the others went to say goodbye. It seemed to have helped her. "Should we write a note?" I asked Dakota who stayed perched on Thunder. He shook his head, "That might make them go after us." He said. I nodded and boarded Nightmare. 

   The rest of us quietly trotted around the whole camp in silence. "Too bad none of us speaks horse." Leo joked quietly. He seemed kinda nervous. I myself, was nervous. Who would I lose? What does it mean when I will find my form true? We made it to the gates and turned our pegasi around to face camp. "Goodbye..." Asha said quietly. Tears formed in her eyes. I looked at Tobias and he seems just as sad as I was. This was where we grew up... This was our home... 

   I lead the way out of the protective borders and we got into the sky. Luckily we blended in the sky. I positioned myself more comfortably as Asha flew in close to me. "Don't worry, we'll see it again..." I said reasuringly. I think I was just trying to reassure myself though... "I won't give up, on us, even if the sky, gets, rough. Given you all, my trust. Still think we're worth it.." I sang quietly and looked at the others. Singing seemed to help release the sadness...


Astrid Strider Daughter of ApolloWhere stories live. Discover now