The Storm

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I jerked away as I heard something whip by. The sun was beginning to rise and soon we wouldn't be able to hide in the sky anymore. I looked over at Asha who was still sleeping. Leo was telling jokes quietly to Copper. Tobias was sitting straight up and murmuring from what I could tell by the way his lips were moving. Dakota was asleep. And Nico was looking like he was having trouble sleeping and staying awake at the same time.

I moved over beside Tobias, "How are things?" He asked. "Okay for now. We have to remember that this is Zeus' domain, so we can't fly for long or very high." I reminded him and fiddled with the bracelet Nico had given to me. "Speaking of which... This looks bad..." He pointed to some clouds up ahead and I realized what he meant. The clouds were dark, grey, and starting to thunder. I panicked, "Guys! Get up, We have to get down!" I called looking back at the others.

They jerked awake and looked around frantically. "What's happening?" Asha asked panicking. "Storm!" I replied and looked back. I was blinded immediately by the bright sun. The clouds were getting closer. "Looks like Zeus had no word in letting us go on the trip!" Leo yelped as the rain suddenly broke out of nowhere above us and pushed weight upon all. "Tell your Pegasus to land!" Nico shouted over the thunder. I told Nightmare to land and he neighed like it was the best idea I ever had.

We drifted down but it got difficult. Wind picked up and lightning cracked. I looked back and saw the others struggling just as bad as I was. Asha's Pegasus, Butter, was flailing its wings. Lightning whipped by and attacked the ginger pegasus's wing. "Asha!" I screamed. She flailed down. I jerked Nightmare into a dive after Asha. I realized we were above the ocean. Where the heck have we been flying to? If we'd make it out alive, I'd have to ask Tobias. He has a knack for traveling.

Soon, a waved attacked me. As if the rain was enough. Nightmare had struggled to get back to the air but he made it. We flew just above from the Waves's reach and I scanned everywhere I could for Asha. Suddenly, I caught a glimpse of her. She was a great swimmer, so she was keeping her head above like a boss. I flew down by her and called, "Asha! When I fly by again, grab my hand!" She yelped in reply which I took as an okay. I made a U-Turn and then whipped by her again, and she caught my arm. I yanked her soaked and heavy body out of the water and onto Nightmare. He strained against the extra weight but flew higher. We were met by the others halfway between the ocean and the sky.

"What about Butter...?" Asha asked shivering. "I'm sorry Asha, but I couldn't find her..." Dakota said appearing out of nowhere. She cried quietly and I hugged her. I understood how sad she felt. She had lost someone she loved. That Pegasus had saved her life once. Leo flew by close and said as loud as he could over the rain, "I'll take her!" And I handed Asha off over to Leo.

I looked at Tobias and he seems focused on something in the distance. "Land!" Nico exclaimed. We all looked over and saw the dark shape in the distance of land. "Let's head there until, the storm dies out!" I said. They all agreed quickly...



And no, Butter is not one of the companions that Astrid will lose. It's one of the demigods. Just saying.... I also had to repost this chapter... So...

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