Blood and losing a companion

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I woke up the next morning to banging on the door. I jerked awake and looked at Nico who had apparently had the same reaction. Tobias slowly walked to the door with his shield. "Open up, it'ssssss the police!" A snake-like voice said. We all looked at each other and I readied an arrow in my bow, Asha and Leo had gotten all of our bags. "Dakota, follow Asha and Leo to the window, when Tobias opens the door, run out..." I whispered inching closer as Nico grabbed his sword. They all did so and we waited to Tobias to open it.

One... Two.... Three.... He swung open the door and almost fifteen dracanae poured into our room. "NOW!" I yelled and shot a Dracanae in the forehead, and she disappeared in golden dust. Tobias slammed two dracanae into the wall with his shield crushing them, and Nico slashed and stabbed. "Run out!" I yelled and killed off another Dracanae. There was at least one more and she had a pretty freaky looking bow and arrows... I ran after the others out the window and took off down the street. We ran and dogged past so many people, everything was a blur.

We made it to where I pegasi rested; near a fountain. And we climbed on quickly. Well, everyone but Asha. She stood petrified, staring at the Dracanae who was gaining on us. "Asha! Climb on!" Leo said. Her eyes widened and suddenly. Poof. In a puff of silver glittery smoke, Asha disappeared. In her place was a beautiful white doe. It was a sacred doe of Artemis... Dam, -I still laugh every time I see a picture of a dam or hear the story again- Asha can shape shift into one of Artemis' sacred does?!? "Asha!" I yelped. The doe who was Asha panicked and darted off. "We have to go after her!" Leo yelped as an arrow whizzed by his ear.

I groaned and jumped of Nightmare and ran after Asha after telling the pegasi to follow us from the sky. Holy Hades she was fast! We all ran after her and she would not stop. "ASHA! STAPH!" I yelled. She payed no heed. We chased her into an alleyway and she finally shaped shifted back. She was clothed, thankfully, but she was unconscious. "I have you all now, ssssstupid Demi-godsssss!" The dracanae hissed. She readied another bow and aimed at Tobias. His back was turned and he was facing Asha, helping Leo. He had no time to roll out of the way. The dracanae released the arrow and I jumped in front of Tobias... But was pushed out of the way...

I shook my head and looked at who had pushed me. Dakota... He was laying on the ground, the arrow embedded in his chest. Right where his heart would be. We all panicked and I rushed over to him after I had swiftly shot and killed the dracanae. "D-Dakota..." I stuttered, hovering my hand over his chest. I could try to save him, but it's drain me terribly. Almost so I was on the edge of death. Plus, I kinda have forgotten the hymn... Dakota grabbed my hand, and his breathing was quick and shallow, like he was struggling to breath. "D-don't...." He sputtered. There was blood on the cement, and I realized it was the image. These things were happening way too fast...

"I have too..." I whispered, tears forming in my eyes. He shook him head and his glassy eyes darted everywhere. "Be careful... Stay safe.... Plant.... Plant me a tree?" He asked almost too quietly. I nodded, "Yeah.... I will...." He smiled slightly and reached his other hand out for someone. He grabbed Tobias. "You were almost like my own older brother..." He said hoarsely. Tobias smiled weakly. "Thanks..." Tobias said. Leo came over with Asha in his arms and his eyes were filled with pain, looking at Dakota. Soon, I watched the life leave Dakota... I lost one of my closest companions... 

Astrid Strider Daughter of ApolloWhere stories live. Discover now