Survive or Die

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Author's Note

Hey guys I just wanted to remind you that this a Fanfiction and this isn't going to be exactly like the anime.Please remember that.Alright then let's get started then!Hope you like it!

Aiko's POV


I cry and cry begging my sister to get up but I know it won't happen.She's stuck in that never gear in tell they can beat that game.Because of this, my aunt from my mom's side found me and is now taking care of me and living in the house with me.Of the little picture Ava has of our mother she reminds me so much of my mother, same smile, same eyes, almost everything.But as I cry she holds me tight telling me it's okay.I hope it okay because I know Ava is strong and can beat that game.For everyone.


I open my eyes as the sunlight streams through my window.I yawn and get up out of my bed to get ready for the day.I take a quick shower,brush my teeth,floss and change.I change into a baby blue tank top with a white muscle shirt underneath with some blue shorts and white sandals.I brush my long brown hair and put it into a ponytail,grab my bag and rush to the kitchen.I find my aunt already in the kitchen making breakfast for both of us.

"Good morning Aiko.How did you sleep?"She asks.

"Okay."I replied.

"That's good.What do you have planned today?"

"I'm gonna go visit Ava and then come back for practice."I answer.She nods.

"Okay.Breakfast is ready now."She says and I say a simple 'okay'.


"Alright, I'm off."I tell aunt and walk to the door.

"Okay then, be careful!"She tells me.I open the door and close it and quickly make my way to the bus.After I catch it I pay and sit down where I put my earbuds on and listen to music on my MP3 player.Its not really mine, it's Ava's.But I still use it because she gave it to me before....she got stuck in that game.I can't blame her, I can tell why she likes those MMO's so much.I even like them.I play MMO's with my best friend Sugu.

I get off the bus and make my way the hospital where Ava is staying at.After I check in I walk to my sister's room where I see her laying down peacefully.Her brown hair that goes all the way to her shoulders is laying on her chest as her chests rises and falls.I hope her chest stays like that forever.

"Hey Ava."I greet her."I got 100% on my math test."

"It's funny because that my strongest subject and your weakest."I say giving out a weak laugh.

"I also won another match.It was kinda easy, the coach said me and Sugu are really good."I keep telling Ava.I stare at her for a while.What's going on in there?Is she fighting a boss?Is she leveling up?I want to know so badly, I want to be in there with her and help her fight!

But I can't.Instead I'm out in this sucky real world waiting for her to open her eyes again.I sigh and get up from the chair I was siting on.

"I hope your doing good Ava.You know I'm right here waiting.I have to go.I have practice with Sugu and I don't want to be late.I'll see you tomorrow."I said and walk out of her hospital room.Walking in front of me I see a familiar figure.

"Sugu!"I call out.She turns and smiles at me.

"Hey Aiko!Were you here to visit you sister?"She asks me.I nod.

"Yea.I'm guessing you were here to visit you brother?"I ask her and she nods.

"Yea.I am."She says.There was a long pause.

"I wish they would wake up already."I whisper.She nods.

"Me too.Then my brother and your sister could have meet."She smiles.I laugh at the thought.

"Yea I wonder how that would be."I giggled.

"Come on.We gotta get to practice."She says.

"Okay."I nod and head to my house again.

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