Survive or Die

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Ava's POV

"Hmm....Damn, we don't have milk and bread.I'll have to buy some now I guess.."I sighed closing the refrigerator door.

"It was about time we went to the village anyways."

"Who are you talking to Ava?"I heard Kirito question as he came to view with a towel on his head.He just had come out of the shower, looking cute as ever.

"My imaginary boyfriend Kirito, Remember Jax?"I smirked, responding sarcastically earning a gentle embrace from behind.

"That means your cheating on me?That's not nice Ava~."He purred in my ear.It was impossible not to blush.

"N-No, I've officially broken up with Jax.I found out he was a jerk."I laughed.

"Good."He gave me a peak on the cheek.

"Hey Kirito,"I say getting his attention while he was leaving.The necklace of Yui's Heart bounced around."We gotta go to the village today, I need ingredients."

"Aw man~!"

"I don't want to either, trust me, but we do need this food."I added."Not only do we need milk and bread but cheese, fruits and herbs too..."I trailed off, trying to remember what we need.

"Alright, I'll change."

"Thank you~."I sang making a list of food and hurrying up to change as well.

-----TIME SKIP-----

"So we got the milk, cheese and fruits we just need the herbs..oh! Also the eggs."I mumbled to myself, checking off what we got.

I turned to see the herbs on one stand and the eggs on another.

"Kirito, I'll go get the eggs while you can get the herbs, 'Kay?"I spoke.

"Yeah, just be careful."

"I know."I huffed as I rolled my eyes walking away to the stand.

"Fifty yen."The man responded as I took the eggs.I grave him the money.

"Thank you."I spoke while I nodded towards him.


I turned to face the one girl I wouldn't think I would see in a long time.


The girl I met in the beginning of the game still looked the same, her short crimson red hair was still to her shoulders and her sea green eyes now sparkled with a whole new different energy. For being a year younger than me, she looked more mature and lady-like.

"Oh my god, I never thought I'd see you again!"She cheered running towards me and giving me a hug.

"Yeah, me too..."I trailed off."Where have you been?How come I never seen you in boss fights?"

Her gaze shifted away from me and then back again."Well, you see, I haven't done boss fights since the sixth floor.I've never really had the stamina to fight like you front liners.I've actually been a stay-at-home wife."She laughed.

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