Survive or Die

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Kirito's POV

I looked around to see who could have killed Yolko right now.A far in to the distance I see a hooded figure running.

''Asuna, you handle the rest.You too Ava.''I said before jumping out of the window.

''Kirito!''I hear Ava call out.

I try to catch up to the hooded figure and take out my sword, but before I could do that, the person takes out a transporting crystal.

Why would a ghost need a transporting crystal?I thought.

''Damn it!''I said knowing he was going to get away.I threw knifes at him but something blocked them.

Where is he transporting too?I asked myself.

Before I could do anything, I tripped.Before falling into the window I feel someone pull me up.I turned to see Ava pulling me up before I fell.

''I told you to stay back.''I tell her.

''Your welcome.''She rolled her eyes.I looked up and saw that the person was transporting to who knows where.


Me and Ava entered the room again to find Asuna, yelling at us.

''Idiot Kirito!Don't be so reckless!You too Ava, who do you think you are?!Batman?!''She yelled dramatically.

''Yes Asuna I do, but sadly we didn't catch him this time.''She rolled her eyes sarcastically.

''Really?I figured some random perv would be no match for the world's greatest detective,''She spat.''Oh wait no, that's for the REAL batman!And your not batman are you?You will never be batman!''

''Hey, fuck you!''Ava screamed as she punched the wall.Then, she took a deep breath.

"Well that cut surprisingly deep!Well played.''She sighed.

''So anyways, what happened?''Asuna asked us.

''Unfortunately, he mangled to teleport away.I thought this system would keep us safe in this inn.I really did.Damn it!''I cursed under my breath.

''She was right!Grisalda's ghost is really coming for us!That robe belonged to her!She's here to take revenge on all of us!A ghost could really PK at the inner area!''Schmitt yelled and then started sobbing.

''All aboard the crazy train!Choo-choo!''Ava commented.

''That wasn't a ghost thought,''I said which got Asuna's attention.''There's got to be a system-related explantion for the two inner area murders, there has too be.''


Ava's POV

''Is that black-robed figure really Grisalda's ghost?I'm starting to belive it now, now that I saw it twice.''Asuna asked, not really sure who she was aiming at with that question.

''No, that can't possible be it.''I said disagreeing with Asuna.

''Ava's right, if that was a ghost it wouldn't need a transporting crystal, wait transporting crystal?''Kirito asked himself at the last moment.My eyes widened.

''A transporting crystal.''I say under my breath.

''What is it?''Asuna asked us both.

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