Survive or Die

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Author's POV

The attack of the monster still kept on coming killing more people but, the players didn't stop as well. Many were more than determined to finish this boss

"Everyone! Attack!" Chief Heathcliff ordered everyone as they all went in for the kill.

Finally, the monster's HP went completely down, killing the boss.

Everyone collapsed on the floor, panting like dogs.

"How many did we lose?" Klein dared to ask.

Kirito looked and only anger and sadness appeared before him."Fourteen died."

Everyone gasped with shock and dismay.

"We still have twenty five floors." Klein breathed, sword to his shoulder.

"Will we really be able to reach the top?"

No one dared to answer that question.

Kirito looked around only to be caught by Heathcliff.

Strangely, he was the only one not sitting down or even tired.

Then, it hit him.

Kirito grabbed his sword, getting up. "Kirito?.." Ava spoke.

No answer, not even a glance, he only dashed towards Heathcliff, attacking him.

Immortal Object.

"Kirito! What are you?!.." Ava cut herself off.

Immortal Object.

It reminded her all too well of Yui.

The one she couldn't save.

"I fucking knew it!" Ava hissed. "Commander, would you like to explain to everyone why that pops up on you forehead?"

"The game ensures that his HP never goes down, never letting it go to yellow." Kirito knew The Commander wasn't going to answer, he wanted the players to piece everything together.

Many people gasped.

"I always thought something was wrong, ever since I've arrived here." Kirito spoke. "Where does he hide? But I forgot a simple piece of psychology, something any kid knows, there's nothing even more boring than watching someone else play an RPG!Isn't that right, Kayaba Akihiko?"

More gasps filled the boss room.

"Would you be so kind and tell me how you figured it out?" He spoke, sending chills to many of the players in the boss room.

"The first time, I felt something was wrong during the duel. You were far too fast."

"I suspect as much." Kayaba agreed. "That was an unfortunate mistake. You overpowered me to the point I needed I engage the system. Yes, I am Kayaba Akihiko."

People were shocked.

The greatest guild leader was Kayaba all along?

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