Survive or Die

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''There you go, all done.''I say as I finish sharping Asuna's sword.

''Your the best Liz, thanks.''She said as I gave her back her sword.

''Sure, anytime.''I smile.''Hey aren't you suppose to be out hunting with the guild today?''I ask her.

''Yeah, I had to take the day off because I sort of thought of meeting these people today but I haven't asked them.''She explains.

''Oh.''I understood.Then I noticed something on her ear.I smirked.

''I bet you have a little meeting.''I smirked as I got closer to her.

''It's not like that, plus I think he already has his eyes for someone else.''She sighed.We heard the bell ring and then she panicked.

''I have to get going.''She said and ran off.

''They must be pretty special, whoever they are.''I mumbled, she turned to me.

''Huh?Did you say something?''She asked me.

I nodded my head no.''Get going, it's rude to keep your friends waiting.''

''Alright then, see you!''She waved and ran off.I looked towards the picture.

''I wonder if I'll ever find someone special...''I say out loud.''Maybe if I leave this what am I thinking!I meet so many nice people right here!''

''Hello?!Is anyone here?!Can we get some goddamn service?!''I hear.

''See, I'm making new friends already..''

''You have 30 seconds before I burn this place to the ground! 1.....2.....3!''


''What?I'm counting!''

I sighed knowing this was gonna be tough.


After Kirito told me to stop I secretly kept counting in my head, so far, I was at 28.


''Sorry for the wait, welcome to Lisbeth's Blacksmith Shop!''A pink hair girl greeted us.

''Finally..''I mumbled.

''Oh hi, me and my friend are wondering of you do custom orders?''Kirito asked as she walked to her stand.

Oh it's a girl.I thought.

That's cool.

"I can, it's just, metal prices are kinda high these days."She answered.

I scoffed.

We can pay bitch.

"Oh well we're not worried about the cost, we just want a good sword you can make as good as possible."KIRITO replied.

"Well I make a lot of different sword but do you guys have an idea of the quality of the sword you want?"She asked us.

"Show her your sword Kirito."I say.

Survive or Die (A Sword Art Online Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now