Survive or Die

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Aiko's POV

I was sitting down peacefully next to my sister, just waiting hopefully that she might wake up when my aunt walked into the room.

''Hey Aiko, I didn't know you came to see your sister again today.''She told me while walking over to me and Ava.

''Yeah, sorry I just thought I would pay her a quick visit before I when home from school.''I informed her.

''That's perfectly fine, I just-I just have to tell you something really important.''She said seriously, this got my attention.

''But first, we have to go home before I tell you anything.''I quickly turned to my sister my held her hand.

''Bye Ava, I'll see you soon.''I say and quickly get up to follow my aunt back home.

-----AT HOME-----

My aunt stopped at the front door, not opening it.''Before I open the door, I want you to keep an open mind about this and that I will take care of you forever, okay?''She told me and I nodded.

What is she talking about?Is there something actually really important behind that door?I thought.

My aunt took a deep breath before opening the door, she lead me to the living room where I saw......

''Hello, Aiko.''A man with dark brown hair smiled at me.I only saw this man in pictures, the ones that Ava showed me always.The stories she would tell of our happy family and when our family....was broken.I still remember his face within my faded memories, the ones I hate.It's hard to forget someone who gave you so much to remember.The man standing in front of me was my father.

I didn't know what to saw, I just stood there surprise with my eyes widen.I want to punch him,yell at him, shred him to pieces and then throw him to hell.But something stopped me.

''Hello Daniel.''I didn't want to call him father, that's not was he was or ever will be.

''It's nice to see you again my daughter.''He smiled.

''I wish I could say the same.''I say coldly.He shifted uncomfortably before saying something.

''I-I'm sorry about your sister.I wish this never happened to her.''He said.I just nodded.

''Aiko, I came here to say sorry.I'm sorry for what I did to your sister and you, I was just....horrible.After you two left, I got help, I started shaping myself and getting a  job.I remember how you and Ava loved games so I started working at a video game company, I worked as hard as I could and got higher up the ranks, so now I'm the manger.But all those years, I was still looking for you two, I never gave up.Then, SAO happened.It gave me a idea where you two were, so I started looking for Ava's name and I surely found the hospital she was being cared in and when I went to go see her, I found your aunt with her.She explained everything to me and allowed me to come see you.Of course, she still has custody of you and it will stay that way if you want too, and I will just try to be a good father.''He explained.I didn't know what to say.What can I say to the person who beat me and my sister everyday when we were younger?What can I say to the person who ruined our lives?

I need Ava.

I need my big sister.

Tears spilled out of my eyes as I tried to take in what was happening.

''Aiko?''My aunt called.

I can't.

I just can't.

I ran to my room forgetting about my father.

''Aiko!''I hear but I ignore that voice and close the door to my room, all I can do is cry.




Because I need my big sister, but she's not here.

I need her more that ever right now.

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