Survive or Die

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Ava's POV

"Let's settle it with a duel."

I smirked.

I hope Chief knows what he's getting into.

-----TIME LAPSE-----

"Kirito please~"I cried, practically begging him to let me fight Heathcliff.

"No Ava.I already said I'm going to fight him."

"Alright."I sighed, finally giving after an hour of begging.

"You both are idiots!Why would you guys say that?!"Asuna screamed at us while Kirito got ready for the battle.

"Sorry Asuna, we weren't thinking."Kirito calmed her.

"Speak for yourself, I actually really want to knock his virtually teeth out."I mumbled rolling my eyes.

Asuna sighed before talking."When I saw your guy's skill back there, I thought your strength was on a whole other level.But the commander has a unique skill too."

"Asuna, we've seen it several times,"I spoke."Divine Blades. A skill that maximizes both attack and defense power.The attack is strong, but the defense is fantastic."

"No one has ever seen his HP bar fall into the yellow zone,"Asuna remarked."It's completely overpowering."

"I know."Kirito cut in.

"What are you going to do?"She asked."Not only if you lose I will not be able to leave, but you'll have to join the guild."

"Asuna, calm down."I huffed, rolling my eyes at the drama queen."Kirito is amazing when it comes to skill, have faith in him.I bet everything that he'll give it his all."

"Yeah, I don't plan to lose easily."He smirked standing up from where he was sitting.


The stadium was packed and I knew many people made bets with this fight.It was almost like a football or soccer game was going to play out, but instead, SAO got dueling.

Heathcliff and Kirito were already in the middle of the arena, ready to fight.

Heathcliff sent him a battle request and Kirito accepted.

"KICK HIS ASS KIRITO!"I encouraged earning a glare and comment from Asuna.



"Shut the hell up!"

"Fine.."I mumbled playing with my hair.

Both opponents drew their swords and positioned themselves to fight.




Kirito instantly lunged towards Heathcliff, sending the first blow.Wave after wave after wave, Kirito attacked, head completely in the duel.Heathcliff only blocked his attacks with his shield before finally hitting him, sending he flying.

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