Chapter 1.

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Monday, September 1st. Vanessa.

Summer was over.

The first wave of that realisation hit me when my ears went through the torture of hearing an unfamiliar sound at a very absurd time in my schedule. Though I knew I had heard this sound  multiple times in the past, my brain was awake enough to know I didn't like it. At all.

I stuffed my head further into the pillow, hoping that if I would ignore it, it'll go away. Kinda like my best friend Rhianne. Though we all know that neither she, or my alarm is going anywhere anytime soon.

Finally after bearing  the deafening sound of Justin Beiber's 'Baby' repeat itself 4 times, I finally broke down my resistance and cracked one eye open and then eventually the other. Then I stretched my arms and prompted my body up in the air, growling  and huffing with the effort. I sat up and shot a stink eye at my phone which had been placed in a glass to amplify the sound of JB's most terrible song ever. Though, gotta say, with his new album Purpose, I was starting to become a 'belieber'.

I flung my messy hair out of my face and ripped the blanket off of my body, wincing as the cool autumn air hit my bare legs, Immediately hoping that my shorts elongated themselves into my fuzzy fur pyjamas. Why why WHY?! Had I chosen to wear my favourite black and white striped pyjama shorts when I knew that the high afternoon sun was not going to be greeting me the next day. The alarm was still blaring and I could feel the starting effect of a massive headache and I quickly grabbed my phone and rapidly tapped on the touchscreen to shut it off.

You see, I was a considerate human being and cared about my best friend's life. Rhi with her annoying mouth would be strangled to death first thing in the morning if I get a headache. Especially if it was the first day of school.

With great effort I separated myself from the heavenly thing called my bed and started walking towards the bathroom, shivering as the cold took all the warmth in my body. Thankfully I had chosen my dark green full sleeve sweater with a tiger in the front. At least my torso wasn't numb with cold.

The shower helped immensely, all the grogginess of bed was washed away and under the hot soothing water, my cold also vanished. It unconsciously prepared me for the upcoming day, making me feel reassured that maybe just maybe... This school year won't be that bad...

But when I stepped out in the harsh morning air my smile turned upside down, hah! Like that's going to happen. Can any school year ever be good? No. It can't. Because it's a school year. which takes place in school. So it can not in any way be good. Ever. At least not when my best friend had hooked up with my enemy during the summer break. Now he's going to be around all the time! Wherever we go he's going to be following us...just like all her other boyfriends. They get so mesmerized by her that they can't let her out of their sight for too long, Charlie was that influencing, she was the whole package and any new guy who entered her life, automatically became a part of our little 'posse' consisting of me, Rhi, Charlotte, Derrick,Justin and Wally, my brother. This time it was Ashton Burrow. Yes, the valedictorian Ashton Burrow, the IT guy who everybody seems to love. He's always in the center of everything, as bright and important as the sun.
Sometimes I resent the effect he has on people. No one seems to be able to see the unworthy evil demon inside. Except me of course because he doesn't bother to hide it around me.

I wrapped my towel around my shivering wet body and dried my hair with another one, making my way to my closet. Contemplating in my mind wether I should try to dress up at all today, skimming through my numerous outfits, imagining how they would look in my mind and eliminating the ones I thought unsuitable for today,

Finally, my mind settled on a simple turtle neck navy skin tight sweater, and a dark red velvet skirt, with black tights underneath.

When I saw my reflection in the mirror, I silently applauded my mother for her fashion sense which I had thankfully inherited. After much inner debate, I decided to leave my hair in its natural curly state and apply a coat of dark red lipstick and a bit of mascara, leaving out any other form of makeup.

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