Chapter 3

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I put on a poker face for her, not wanting to look like a weak idiot. She had already found me bawling my eyes out. It was embarrassing as it was. I couldn't believe that the one person I wanted to show how strong I was... Found me in my weakest state. No breakup of mine had ever affected me this way. I guess because this time, it was the exact opposite. I was the dumpee, instead of the dumper.

"It's okay you know..." I heard her say, in this whispery voice which I really seem to kinda like, "to cry, I mean"

I gave Vanessa a cold glare, "I thought we had silently agreed never to speak of this"

"Yeah..but" she shook her head, a chocolaty stray bang falling on her face, she swept it back and sat down, legs dangling from the edge of the roof. She seemed to be listening, seeing, feeling something I wasnt. Like she was lost in her own world. I joined her, yearning to be in the perfect little world Vanessa Jenkins lives in.

She was weird. Everybody knew it, I knew it. People stared at her in the hallways, wondering how Charlotte Washington was friends with someone like her. Though they envy her, tremendously- everybody knows it, I know it.

She was happy. Content. Didn't seem to care what people thought of her. A quality many high school kids wish to posses but are too helpless too. They hated that she was an outcast. They hated that they couldn't be one too.

You know those people who are always by themselves all the time? Who stalks off in between of class to who-knows where? Who you can't help but notice when they walk into the room and join the rest of the class who notice too? How oblivious and care-free that person is... But then you talk to her, approach her, happen to her he lab partner, and realise that she is the most wonderful person you can ever meet? People can't help but love her. All sarcasm, weirdness, infectious smiles. That was Vanessa for you.

And as much as I hate to admit it... I freaking jealous of that. So much that I wish she never existed. I was used to being the centre of attention when Vanessa took that from me.

"But what?" I asked her, sitting down inches from where she was.

Vanessa smiled, her brilliant one, "I just don't understand...why people hide their feelings."

"Because others are judgemental"

"I'm not."

And you may think that's ridiculous. A 17 year old high school girl... Not judgemental? Can it be?
Yes, if it was Vanessa Jenkins. It so can be. It didn't take me a split second to believe that.

"So what are you saying?" I asked, raising an eyebrow, "That I talk about my feelings?"

Her smile still bright on her face, "Sure, I'm right here."

"Your kidding right? I'm a guy"

Vanessa frowned, "Stereotypes"

"Stereotypes are what keeps the high school world alive"

"Well, I think they're stupid. People can be who they want to be. I don't see why society should label them-and even if they do, I don't get why people should be affected by that..."

Who was this girl? Is she for real? I mean, did humans like her still exist in this world? "Wow" was all I managed to say.

She sighed, a long one, "Oh come on Ashton, just talk to me! You can't go back to class now, you'll be screwed. I'm here, you're here. And we have plenty of time on our hands. I may not like you-but I can't leave you like this. This breakup has obviously effected you and believe me, talking about it would make you feel better."

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