Chapter 2

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1st September, Vanessa
I rushed out of the class, looking both ways of the empty hallway, disappointed to find it inhabited. This was were Charlie and Ashton had been fighting, providing good entertainment to the gossip girls of our class. I had sat there, constantly tapping my foot, desperate to go and stop it. But I didn't want to stick my nose in their business.

After a while, it had stopped and relief coursed through me but something told me it hadn't ended well.

I produced my cell phone from my pocket and dialed Charlie's number but it had gone straight to voicemail, cementing my doubts. Charlie would never cut a call. It was one of her good points. She never let anyone down.

The bell rung, pulling me out of my thoughts . Footsteps echoed in the empty halls,
MrsJackers was coming for class and honestly, my mood for attending history wasn't so keen.

So I just walked away from the classroom, heading towards 'The roof'.

The roof was my second home. My refuge. My place. I had discovered it while I had been exploring the school grounds in 6th grade. My mother was an artist and her genes had been passed on to mine. I used to sketch regularly. And when I found a place with this great view, my heart didn't let go. I found myself being drawn back to it whenever I was upset or needed some quiet. Drawing calmed me, and drawing on the roof... was
my idea of a spa day.

My hands itched to sketch and I removed the pencil that was holding my messy bun from my hair, contemplating what my next landscape was going to be.
Maybe I could draw it from the east side...

I arrived at the west school wall, fondly reminiscing a memory of a 12 year old girl, bravely climbing the steep walls, thirst for curiosity burning in her bright eyes. I had never been satisfied with just what I knew, what was familiar... I always wanted to know more and exploring foreign ground was my speciality.

The first few times, I had got up with great difficulty and wastage of time but when there was an unwanted ladder lying near my neighbors garbage bins one fine day, I bought it to school with me and hid it well in the shrubbery next to the wall. It was a perfect cover and a perfect way to get up top.

I stopped dead in my tracks when I saw the ladder had already been placed there on its usual place. It didn't take time for my brain to process that someone had been here.

But that was impossible. No one could be here, this place was secret!

Biting my lip, I started climbing, rung by rung. The clang of my feet meeting the metal rang through the quiet ambience of the place. Just when I had reached the top... I heard a distinct sobbing sound. It had been silenced down when it heard my approaching steps, but a few uncontrollable sniffles sneaked out.

Holy shit there was human being on my roof and its crying!

I stepped up on the roof's slanting floor and squinted for a clearer look of a small huddled figure at the far end, from who, I gathered, the sounds had been coming from.

"Uh hello... Mister-uh Missus?"I asked, unsure.

There was a small grunt from the intruder. The sniffling had halted.

"Listen buddy, you have to get out of here."I said,not unkindly.

The figure groaned. "Ugh, you always show up everywhere, freak!"

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