Chapter 9

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A week passed by and Ashton hadn't even looked at me. He kept to himself, always black clad– in a plain black hoody and plain black pants. Any attempt of mine to speak to him was shot down ruthlessly. He was rude and distant to everyone, even his small group of cronies and worshippers. My heart ached to help him but he always ran away...Charlotte's rejection of the flowers meant more to him than expected.

It was like she had rejected him and or any future that they had.

Ashton's attitude changed towards everyone, including me and now everybody could see the devil inside of him. The teachers had begun to wonder what had happened to their perfect student and as a result of that– I ran in to him at the principal's office.

I had once again been sent here, due to being "present physically and absent mentally".
Hey, is it so bad that I daydream so much? The world in my head is much more appealing than the real world.
Sometimes, I consider writing a story of my fantasy lands but then after a while, I get bored and you know the rest.

I stopped in front of the principal's door and stared at the handle with the disgust. Principal Zender was more old fashioned than the Stone hedge in Britain, some kids say that he was born with that great historic site. And that place is like centuries old.

He was one of those orthodox grandpa types and I pity any of his children or grandchildren, that is if he has any. It's hard to believe that anyone would marry a person like him.

The door handle was of a old medieval church's. Round and large and painted a fake gold. Defiance gripped me when I thought of his angry face demanding  to knock with that ridiculous piece of metal, to come in.

I imagined sticking my tongue out at him and pushed the door slightly, when I heard voices.

"You behavior has rapidly degraded since last week. Your marks for the maths paper is shameful, your being rude to all us elders and son, your never rude to anyone."

If the principal was talking to Ashton, then that's not true.

"I'm disappointed Mr. Burrow. Mrs Halsey has graciously decided not the include the paper in your final grade but if this continues... I might have to take strict action. Call your father."

At this the other presence in the room sucked a breath. "There is no need to call my father." Ashton's voice came out throaty and weak.
It was the first time I had heard him speak in a week and now I realize that– I've kinda missed him. A little too much...

"Well then, you must improve yourself. And-"

He was cut off when I, being the clumsy rat that I am, tripped on some non existent object and stumbled into the room, apologising profusely.

"Uh, sorry principal, uh–" I held out the slip written by my biology teacher, saying that I had again been daydreaming in class and detention was required.

He looked at me angrily, "Haven't I told you kids a hundred times, that you must KNOCK BEFORE YOU ENTER!" He then grabbed the slip, read it and shook his head in disappointment.

Ashton wasn't paying attention to this embarrassing exchange, he was just staring down at the floor in a tired and defeated way. My heart stretched out to him, seeing the poor lad so broken. All I wanted to do was give him a hug and make everything okay.

"Ms Jenkins, WHY!" He demanded and then looked at me expectantly.


"No, I don't want to hear your excuses"

You just asked me WHY!  Stupid PLUM!

Suddenly, Ashton's head shot up and looked at me with 'oh no you're so dead' and the principal stopped massaging his aching head and stared at me with enragement and surprise.

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