Chapter 12

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A car honked from outside making me jump with anticipation. A giddy smile made its way on my face.

They're here. They're finally here.

I looked at the immaculately set dining table, smiling with satisfaction at my effort. I was going to greet my mom and brother like royals so that they never leave for so long again.

The doorbell rang and I sprinted like lightning towards the front door, opening it with the force of the wind.

My mom stood there with a black suitcase beside her, grinning at me. Not for the first time was I knocked out from her appearance. She was just so beautiful.

She had long curly black hair and wide, emerald green eyes. My mother did not look old enough to be a parent. And sometimes I was just so jealous of her. I hadn't inherited anything from her. All I had was plain brown hair and plain brown eyes and it made me properly resentful.

I let out a loud shriek and hugged her with force, burying my face in her hair. She smelled like she always smelled... Like cinnamon and expensive perfume.

She laughed and hugged me back, "I missed you too squirt."

I pulled back and grinned at her. "AHH WHY ARE U SO STUNNING?!."

She winked, "My super fabulous EXPENSIVE makeup artists!"

We squealed together. My mom was like my best friend. And it was just so good to see her again.

I heard the click of the car locking from behind and I looked towards the driveway to see my twin hauling 3 suitcases by himself, heaving with the effort.

"Yeah yeah family reunion" he yelled at us, "someone help me with the bags!"

I squealed again and started running down the porch towards him. He looked up and saw me coming like a bullet train and horror started dawning on his face, "No no no no, don't do it Vanessa. No no."

Too late. I crashed into him, making him drop the bags and enveloped him in a bone crushing hug. He laughed and picked me up, hugging me even tighter.

I buried my face in his chest and tightened my hug, "You asshat, I missed you" I mumbled and I could feel his laugh rumble through his body.

He put me down and raised an eyebrow at me, "Asshat? Seriously?"

I stuck my tongue out at him and grabbed the handles of one of the suitcases, "race you to the door" I told him, winking and then I sprinted off with the bags.

He groaned and ran after me, "That's not fair, I have 2 bags!"

"You run track WALLY" I called to him behind me and climbed up the porch steps with difficulty. "Lord what is in this BAG?!"

"Mom's makeup stuff" he yelled back and I rolled my eyes. She was such a diva author.

I pushed open the front and smirked at him behind me, "I win, slow poke."

He mumbled something about how he was better off without an annoying sister and placed the bags by the shoe racks. I followed suit and then started walking towards the kitchen where I heard mom and dad's voices.

"I made pancakes" I told him and he walked faster to be beside me. Then he placed his hand around my shoulder and smiled at me.

"You have no idea how much I miss you, dork." He said and removed his hand.

I almost melted at his heartfelt words and I was going to break into tears just then when I felt something sticky and slimy crawl up my hair. I shrieked with terror and started whacking my hair to remove it.

"Ew ew ew ew get it off! Get it off."

Wally just stood there laughing like the asshole he is and once I knew for sure the insect was out of my hair I turned to him and glared with malice, "You little shithead, I'M GOING TO KILL YOU" I then picked up the worm that was now on the floor and started chasing him around the house.

Wally laughed wickedly and ran with ease, not huffing once whereas I started to lose my non existent stamina in minutes. "Give it up SUCKA" he teased.

"I SWEAR I'M GOING TO YANK ALL YOUR HAIR OUT" I screamed and stopped running, wheezing uncontrollably and he just burst into laughter, not tired at all.

"WALDEN! VANESSA! Get into the kitchen you TWO!" I heard my mom scream at us.

I shot Wally a stink-eye and then flicked the bird at him. I stormed into the kitchen and he followed laughing.

When we walked into the kitchen, my dad had his harm around my mom's waist. He whispered something into her ear and she laughed. It wasn't like this was anything new. They didn't hide their affection around us because they really didn't care. But now, it bugged the shit out of me. I settled down on one of the chairs for the dining table and clenched my teeth together.

Don't do it. Don't say a word.

Walden sat down beside me, lightly touching my tense shoulder, 'Hey, you okay?" he said, concern showing in his voice.

I nodded, trying not to burst into tears.

The whole breakfast with the family was actually a pretty jolly one. Except the fact that I mortally hated my father because every time he touched my mother all I could imagine him doing was touching another woman with those filthy hands. But otherwise, Walden was his ol' cheerful little prankster self and mom was loud and busy and dad was laughing quietly at the occasional jokes and eating decently with his mouth closed unlike the rest of his family. It was normal, welcoming and I cannot stress enough how much I had missed us.

We weren't a family with the serious problems. I mean yeah, we had the occasional fight. But we loved each other to the bone and the heinous act that my dad had committed would not be left unforgiven. He's right. If I tell my mom, it would break everything. Noisy, bright breakfasts like this one would never happen again. It would leave a scar on the family.

After the whole meal was over, Walden yanked me up to his room and pushed me onto the bed. He took his chair and sat down on it, facing me. "Okay" he said, "Now tell me exactly what has happened."

"Yeah" I exhaled, "So, Charlie and Ashton broke up."

Walden shot up, "They what?"

"Yeah on the first day of school."

Wally laughed, "I told that suckerwart to bang her and forget her. He didn't bang her did he?"

"No." I said, disgusted.

He rolled his eyes, "Go on."

"Anyways, so on the same day I went up to 'The roof' because history was boring the shit out of me and I found him there. Devastated. So we talked and I decided to help him win Charlie back but now, I think I kind of have a crush on him but I still have to help him and none of them will tell me the actual reason h

Walden was silent for a moment before going, 'Wow." He said, "Sounds fun."

"You have no idea." I laid back on my bed, sighing, "I keep telling him to be nice to her but whenever he goes around her its like, the devil comes out in him."

Walden chuckled again, "Trust me, Ashton Burrow is no devil. Bit of a stankshit but not a devil."

"What the hell is a stank shit?"

"A pervert" Wally clarified as I rolled my eyes.

Just then my phone beeped with a message. It was from Ashton.

Meet me at Aromatic's in 10.

I heaved myself up and grabbed my hoodie, "I got to go. See ya later!"

Walden nodded his head, "Out to see Ashton I see." He said in a teasing tone.

"Shut up Wally."

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