Chapter 10

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"You ate ALL OF IT?" I asked, incredulously.

Ashton was propped by the window sill, staring out in the distance, not paying heed to my remarks. All the chocolate wrappers from the year long chocolate stash that I had under my bed was now over and had been messily sprawled all over my bed. God, that boy ate like a pig. It was year-long...

He didn't even look at me as I said this, I sighed and started cleaning up the mess he made and after about 5 minutes, he joined me silently.

"You sober now?" I asked him quietly, picking up spare bits of the wrappers.

He threw a bunch of them in the waste basket and nodded his head.

There was one wrapper left and I reached for it, the same time as Ashton did. Our hands collided lightly, making jolts of electricity shoot through my body. It was a warm and terrifying feeling.

He yanked his hand back in surprise and I gulped and picked up the wrapper. For a few moments, I just stared at him, trying to make a head our tail of these weird little feeling I got whenever we accidentally touched or when he looked at me a funny way. It was so confusing for I had never encountered such a situation before... Was it just because of it being the first time I had ever gotten this close to a boy, or was it because of Ashton himself.

Before I could stop myself, I blurted out, "Do you believe in soulmates?"

He blinked at me in surprise, "Why?"


"I do. I believe that there can be many a love's in a person's life but there will always be that one person who they will never forget. Because being with them felt totally different then being with everyone else."

I pursed my lips and just stared at him, "Was Charlotte your's?"

At the mention of Charlie, his face twisted in a nasty scowl, "Who cares? She's gone anyways."

"No OKAY!" I protested with a stubborn look. I don't what in the world had possessed me to become so obsessed with seeing to it that Charlie and Ash worked their thing out. Especially now that I think I kinda have a crush on him. "First of all, of course it's going to be hard but you must not lose hope" I lectured, "Second of al-"

I was cut off by by a loud thump coming from Ashton, who had drove his fist at the wall in anger. The skin on his knuckles had peeled away and blood was oozing. "SHUT UP" he said, "JUST... STOP!"

My eyes widened and I immediately clamped my mouth shut.

"I had almost moved on. Almost. But then you came waltzing into the picture giving me hope like that exists and I'm sick of it. She isn't coming back FREAK. And just stop trying to HELP ME! I don't need it. You know what– I should... I should go." He stormed to the door and twisted the knob when.

"Excuse me" I said coldly, " You're the one who happily plonked their ass here, In my house,eating my chocolate, asking for my help!"

I could see him almost growl at my retort. He spun around and glared at me, "Drunk mistake."

I smirked, "I don't think it was a drunk mistake. I think you came here because you needed me."
I walked up to him and jabbed a finger on his chest, "Admit it, you need me."

Ashton took a step closer to me, inches left between our bodies, "I need no one."

"That's not true. You said it yourself. In your drunken state... And you know what they say about alcohol, it brings out the truth in you."

The boy I fixed to breakWhere stories live. Discover now