Chapter 1

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You are my moon
My precious, precious moon

You're glowing light radiating down on me
Gave me warmth and hope
Whenever I was feeling doubtful
Whenever I was alone

Darkness fell and threatened to consume me
But you, my moon, lit up the path I was following
And your light continued to glow and glow
Until I was no longer afraid of the dark

With bright lights comes darkness
Oh, how I should have known
That my moon
Who's  light I thought would never fade away
Has a dark side
I just couldn't see it
I wouldn't see it
I would not let myself believe that my moon
Who's light would guide me, provide me with warmth and comfort
Could be so dark all at the same time

Then you were, now you are, and forever
You will still remain
My moon
My precious, precious moon


What am I doing?  You wonder as you approach the door.  How did I even get into this fancy smancy art college anyway?

Class hadn't even started yet and you could already feel the stress of this upcoming semester clawing at your back.   You took a deep breath.  Then, with sweaty palms, you reached for the door.  It slowly opened with a less than satisfying creaking sound.  You hated meeting new people.  But maybe the person you will share a dorm with will be nice.

Behind the door stands a thin girl with wavy brown hair.  She smiles sweetly at you and says, "Hello, you must be (Y/N)?"

"Yes, that's me.  You're Elizabeta, right?"

"That's what people call me, yes."

Elizabeta had already gotten everything unpacked.  All of her belongings are in the proper place.  With just this first glance, everything about her seemed in place, from the things on her shelf to the sunset orange flower pinned in her hair.  You hoped that your disorganization wouldn't be too much of an annoyance to her.

The dorm room is quite nice.  It's pretty big, allowing enough space for the many many things you brought to fit cozily inside. 

Looking at everything that you have brought along makes you feel a little home sick.  Not that you had much back there to begin with, but the few people who treated you like you were special and important, you miss dearly.  Take [favorite/countries/name besides Greece, Egypt, or Turkey)] for example.  They would always make you feel better when school was getting too unbearable  or something wasn't going right.  Even if you were devastated and barely able to speak, they would always manage to make a smile spread across your cheeks.

You have just put your book shelf up and are beginning to unload some of your small things onto it.  Soon the moving box is empty except for a framed picture of you and [f/c/n]. You carefully pick it up and gently place it on your bookshelf.  The both of you looked so happy...

"Who is that?"

You jump at Elizabeta's voice.  You had sort of forgotten she was there.

"Oh, this person?  It's [f/c/n].  They were an old friend of mine in high school.  They don't go here, though."

After what must've been an eternity of unpacking, Elizabeta invites you to go to get food somewhere with her.  She says she's hungry (hungry-Hungary, get it?  Okay I'll shut up now) and since you both have free time, you accept the offer.

You walk with Elizabeta past all of the cheap places that sell food but nothing seems appetizing to either of you. So, you just end up going to the food court in the mall.

You know what?  Who cares about dinner?  You can just get Starbucks instead.

That's exactly what you do.

You sit down at a table with Elizabeta.  For a little while you talk briefly about your lives  and get to know a few facts about each other.  She lived in Hungary for quite some time and then came here, to [favorite city]. She only knows one person who goes to this college.  His name is Roderich or something.

You feel something soft and furry brush against your leg.  You look down and see

Yes, it is a cat.  It has a petite frame and  pale fur that seems to absorb all the light in the entire mall.  You pick it up and hold it so Elizabeta can see.

"What's a cat doing in a mall,?" you ask.

"I don't know, but it sure is a cute little thing."

Your acquaintance pets the cat and it begins to purr.  There's a silence that follows. It's not an awkward silence though, it's a friendly, peaceful silence.

"It's your fault that your cat is lost.  You are so obsessed with them and you bring them everywhere, they're bound to get lost someday.  And I can't imagine what it must be like to wake up every day next to your ugly face.  Poor cat, no wonder it ran away," says a really, really annoying voice.

"...I think it's funny how you say that I am so ugly all the time when you have never been in a relationship before...When no one has ever found you attractive...And how no one has woken up next to you and your ugly face...That's why you always wear a mask, isn't it?  You're face is so ugly that you have to hide it from the world..."

This voice was really quiet and slow, opposite the first one. 

You turn around and look in the direction of the voices.  Three figures are standing there.  One is pretty tall and is wearing a mask.  Probably the annoying one, you guess. Another one is slightly taller and has an odd curl on the top of his head.  He must be the quieter, not annoying one.  The last person is shorter than the other two and he lets out a heavy sigh and rolls his eyes at them.  He doesn't say anything, though.

" this your cat,?" you ask in the direction of the three.

The tallest of them runs over to you.  "Thank you so much for finding my cat."

From far away you couldn't fully tell what he looked like.  Now that he is up closer to you, you can tell that this guy isn't that bad looking.  The way his brown hair frames his face perfectly...his eyes...his face...he is the opposite of bad looking.

"So cute."

You didn't intentionally say this out loud.


"Oh-uh-your have a really cute cat..."

Jeez (Y/N), this is a total stranger.  Are you out of your mind?

"Thank you.  She really is a cute kitty isn't she."  He picks up the cat and nuzzles it. 

"What's your name,?" you ask.

"I'm Heracles.  You are?"

"I'm (Y/N)."

"Well, (Y/N), it was very nice meeting you."

You watch as Heracles goes back over to the two other people.  They walk away and you continue talking to Elizabeta.

For the rest of the day, you couldn't shake off this feeling that the there people you saw at the mall will somehow have a huge impact on your life.  You don't know why or how, you just feel that way.  It doesn't really matter.  It's not like you are ever going to see them again.

My Precious Moon (Mediterranean Trio X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now