Chapter 3

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"I really don't have a problem with him, as long as he doesn't talk to me, look at me, or go anywhere near me...and I don't see or hear his name.  Or see his awful hair."

~Your -e- cards


"Hey, can I sit with you guys?"

You look up from your sketch outline. It's that guy with the bad hair.

Gupta remains quieter than ever, if that's even possible, and Sadiq is too pissed off at the teacher to say anything. You don't know this guy, so Heracles speaks up and  says, "Sorry Tasos, there's no room. All of the chairs are already taken up."

"Please? I don't know anyone here expect for you guys and if I sit alone at my table I'm going to look like a loner."

"But there's no more room here."

"I could pull up a chair over here, just please, please let me sit with you."

Heracles pretends like he didn't hear what Tasos just said.

"What if I-"

"Fine! Okay! You can sit with us if you promise to be quiet! I cannot stand to listen to anybody yell, whine, or do anything!" With this burst of rage, Sadiq accidentally knocks over a bottle of paint with his elbow. The purple substance spills all over him. "Gah!"

Tasos grabs his chair and sits on the other side of the table, directly across from you. "Oh hey, what's your name?"

His face is a little too close to yours for your liking. You shift uncomfortably in your chair and reply, "I'm (Y/N)."

You have been intently focusing on your painting and have managed to block out Tasos' voice.  Mostly.

You are developing a cramp in your wrist, so you take a break for minute.  Tasos is painting some beach or something or other, and Gupta is drawing a very high quality portrait of someone.  He sees you looking at it and awkwardly tries to cover up the picture in a casual manner. 

"That's a really beautiful painting," Heracles says to Gupta.  "Who is it of?"

Gupta shrugs his shoulders.

"It looks a lot like (Y/N)."

When he hears this, Gupta nearly falls out of his chair.  He catches himself before he collapses and shakes his head like his life depends on it.

Ms. Jay is walking around the class, observing everyone's art.  She arrives at the table you are at and watches you add color to the once blank paper.

"If I were going to give you all a grade right now, which I'm not...I would give you about an A." She gestures to your painting.  "And you a C-." She looks at the painting Tasos made.  "And you-Oh my, is that me?  That painting is absolutely gorgeous!  A+++ for you, Gupta."  She glances at Heracles' paper and immediately looks away.  "Definitely a lot of passion involved in that painting..."  When she gets to Sadiq's painting, it takes a few seconds before she says anything.  She kneels down and folds her hands on top of the table, so her eyes are at Sadiq's level.  "Now tell me, how did you get into this college?"

Sadiq expresses a look of pure irritation. "Excuse me?"

"I'm just wondering, because that looks like a four year old's scribble with a smiling sun in the corner and unrealistically puffy clouds."

"I will have you know that I put in more effort to get into this college than you put into teaching this class."

"No you didn't, you made Gupta write your college application essay because you were too tired and cantankerous to do it," Heracles says.

"Enough,!" Ms. Jay shouts. "I will not allow any sass to take place in my room. F- for you, Mr. Adnan!"

"Why did you have to go and say that,?" Sadiq demands. "You always make everything worse Heracles!"

"Oh, I didn't know that telling the truth was a bad thing to do. I'm so sorry, I will never do that again."

Tasos raises his hand Ms. Jay comes over. "What do you need?"

"Um, can I have permission to leave the classroom? Just for a minute?"

"What is so important that you have to leave when there is only fifteen minutes left in class? Whatever reason, it's going to have to wait. Unless it is an emergency, then, and only then, I will grant you permission to leave."

"It is an emergency though."

"Are you dying?"

"In a way..."

"I do not see any evidence of physical harm, and if you were dying, I think we would all be able to tell."

"Come on, just let me go to the bathroom," Tasos pleads.

"You are not in elementary school anymore. It is a privilege to be accepted into a curriculum such as this, and you are not off to a good start. This is the first day and everyone is getting used to the environment here, so for just this once you may use the restroom."

And he is out the door in less than a second.

"He's a bed wetter," Sadiq says from across the table.

When Tasos comes back into the classroom he begins to put the paints and brushes he was using away. Then, he asks to leave the classroom again.

"There are three minutes left until dismissal," Ms. Jay says. "Are you kidding me?"

"I wouldn't joke around in a class as serious as this."

"Well that's what you are doing, you clown. Wait two more minutes and I promise nothing bad will happen."

You are all ready to leave the classroom. This was just the first day and you are already starting to stress out. The art class itself may be enjoyable, but the teachers are way too strict.

You exit the room when the bell rings. Heracles, Gupta, and Sadiq are going in the same direction as you, so you ask them, "Where are you going now?"

"We all have some fiction writing class or something," Sadiq says in response.

"That's what I have next, too."

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