Chapter 6

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[insert cheesy quote here]


You feel like a jerk kinda.  Maybe you shouldn't have lied. Maybe you should've just told him the truth. You wouldn't be in this situation if you did.

Okay, try to stay positive. Perhaps he will get better if you get to know him a little more...? Maybe walking with him will actually be a good thing...

You are exhausted. Thank god you don't have to engage in the conversation with Tasos much. He just talks and talks and talks and doesn't seem to mind you only smiling and nodding your head in response. Now that you think about it, this may actually be the easiest conversation you've had all day.

"So, where did you say your next class was,?" he suddenly asks.

"Um" You look around and see a small building to your right. "It's right over here."

"Okay, I'll see you later then."

"Yep. Thanks for walking with me," you say.

You step inside the building and watch as Tasos walks away.  There's a bench by the window that you decide to sit on.  You pull your phone out from your pocket and check neko atsume. 

A door from across the hallway opens and a hoard of people spill out.  It was quite startling, you have to admit.  Out of all the people, you spot a familiar face.  It's Elizabeta. 

"Hello, (Y/N)," she sings.

"Hi, Elizbeta."

The beautiful Hungarian girl wanders over to you.  "What are you doing here?"


"So, how has your day been?"

You internally sigh in relief as she doesn't wait for you to answer the first question.

"I've actually had a pretty good day," you say. "What about you?"

"Eh," she shrugs her shoulders. "It's the first day."

Elizabeta heads over to the door and opens it. You follow close behind, and look around before you go outside. Just to make sure Tasos didn't come back.

"What are you doing?"

"Oh!" You run out the door that she is holding open for you. "Thank you."

She giggles a little bit. Not in the mean way, but in the relaxed, friendly way.

You and Elizabeta both walk back to the dorm. (The both of you are finished with classes for the day.)

Coming towards you from the other side of the pathway are Heracles, Gupta, and Sadiq. When they are close enough for you to hear, the two tall ones say "Hi (Y/N)!". Gupta just waves to you.

"Are those the people we saw at the the mall,?" Elizabeta asks.

"Yeah," you reply.

Elizabeta lowers her voice. "Really?"

"Yep. They're in a few of my classes."

"Even the guy with the mask?"


"Really? Him? He looks so old I thought that if he went to college he would've graduated a long time ago."

You break out into laughter. A laughter so loud that the three that are way behind you now can probably hear. You don't care.

"It's seems like you've already met lots of people," says Elizabeta. "I'm impressed. I haven't even become aquatinted with anyone here."

"Trust me, I haven't met lots of people yet. They've just seen me in class today. And do I not count as an acquaintance,?" you ask, jokingly.

"No, I don't consider you an acquaintance at all," she pauses. "I consider you a friend."

"Seriously?" It's hard to recall the last time someone has called you a friend. "Wow, thank you."

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