Chapter 9

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Hi, person reading this!  Thank you for checking out my new chapter.  I have so many ideas for this story and I'm really excited to write it.  Enjoy!


You expected Ms. Jay's assignment to be difficult and humiliating, but the results turned out better than you expected.  Yes, the proportions were a little off, but pretty good considering the fact that you weren't looking at your paper.  It even turned out looking more realistic than Gupta's (proportion wise, anyway).  That made your self esteem go up a little since Gupta is Mr. Perfection when it comes to almost anything.

Ms. Jay-take a wild guess-went on yet another rant.  You zoned out through most of it, but caught the words "tardy", "attendance", and "Sadiq".  The rant wasn't as long or as intense as usual, even so, it caused you, Heracles, Gupta, and Sadiq to be late for your fiction writing class with Mr Tanaka.   It's kind of funny how Ms. Jay scolds everyone like the children they are over attendance, and then causes them to be late for another subject.  You assume that she doesn't care about how well you preform in other classes, as long as you are successful in hers.

By the time you arrive at fiction writing, people are already finished with their warm up paragraphs. Mr. Tanaka wants you four to talk to him after class.

As if being late and having to speak to a teacher after class wasn't bad enough, you forgot to silence your cell phone. (Theme song of favorite show) starts playing and your phone buzzes, all at full blast.

You try to stealthily silence your phone without attracting any more attention, but everyone catches you.  Mr. Tanaka sees you cringe and he just gives you a friendly reminder to turn your phone off  before class.  He doesn't even get mad.

When everyone's attention is focused at the front of the room once again, Turkey leans over and asks, "Hey, could I get your phone number?"

"Sure," you say.  "When class is over."

You don't want to get into any more trouble and develop a bad reputation.

When Mr. Tanaka tells everyone to enjoy the rest of their day, he walks over to you, Heracles, Gupta, and Sadiq.

"Could you tell me why you were late,?" he inquires.

At first, no one says anything.  You decide to speak up.  "Well, we had a class right before this one and the teacher kept us in a little late."

"I see.  Was it the art teacher, Ms. Jay?"

"Yes," Sadiq growls.

Mr. Tanaka nods his head.  "Yes, she can be a bit of individual with a strong character, as it were.  I will not mark this tardy  on your record, so please try to arrive on time for the rest of the course."

"Thank you, Mr. Tanaka," you say.

"You are welcome.  Have a nice day."

"You too."


"Um, could I have your phone number now,?" Sadiq asks.

You are sitting on the grass by a fancy water fountain, which portrays a figure who is probably important.  The sun has been shining three days in a row, so the ground is dry and not muddy like it usually is.

You can't fully remember your number. You pull your phone out and open "contacts" to try to find it.

"I could just create a new contact and put my phone number on it," Sadiq says.

"Oh, okay." You hand him your phone.

"Can I put my phone number on there too,?" Heracles asks.


Soon, you have three new contacts. You are a little excited to text Gupta and finally have a real conversation with him, even if it's just over text.

When you check the time, you realize that you only have ten minutes until world history.

"Guys, I have to go to another class. I'll text you all later," you say.

The three say goodbye to you as you mentally prepare yourself for another hour with Tasos.

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