Chapter 4

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People come, people go
They learn, and they grow...

But I am convinced that you will always stay the same.


"Good morning class, my name is Mr. Tanaka." The timid old man makes his way to the front of the class. "How are you all doing?  It's the first day, a little nerve racking isn't it?"

This classroom has a completely different atmosphere the one you were previously in.  Even the students seem more gentle and relaxed.  Well, with the exception of Sadiq.

"To get your brains warmed up and ready for the year, we are going to do a little project.  You are going to split up into groups of two and write a short story together.  One person will write the first paragraph and then the other person will write the second paragraph.  You will continue to switch off until you are satisfied with the story you have.  There are no boundaries or restrictions with this writing assignment except for the both of your imaginations. You can choose who to work with now and begin writing."

"Since Gupta is the smartest I think he should write with Sadiq.  He might need help spelling some hard words," Heracles says.

"You are acting so immature!  I'll show you, my story is going to be so much better than yours that-"

Sadiq stops shouting when he realizes that everyone else in the room has their voice limited to a whisper, and his angry words are echoing throughout the room.

Heracles has a pretty quiet nature, so he doesn't have to worry about disrupting the class when he says, "I agree with you, I think the story that Gupta writes will be wonderful."

Sadiq glares at Heracles once more before turning back to Gupta and the blank paper in front of him.

"So, do you want to write the first paragraph?  Or should I,?" you ask.

"I can write it if you want."

Heracles starts to write as you take out another sheet of paper from your sketch book (that you bring with you everywhere) and begin to draw.  You draw and draw and draw and aren't aware of the passing time. 

"You are really good at drawing, (Y/N)."

The voice startles you out of the zone you were in.  "Pfft.  No I'm not.  This is just a sketch, it's nothing special."

"If that's just a sketch then I can't imagine what your real drawings look like.  They must be beautiful."

From the other end of the table Sadiq says, "Hey Heracles, stop flirting with (Y/N) and keep writing or your story is never going to be as good as mine!"

"I'm not flirting with (Y/N).  We are much more focused on this assignment than you are."

"Oh yeah?  Then why is her face red?" 

Gupta hits Sadiq in the head and points at the unfinished story in front of them.   

"Did you finish the first paragraph?"

Heracles nods his head.  "A while ago, actually."

"Oh sorry."  You put the sketch book away. 

"It's fine," Heracles assures you.  "I like watching you draw."

"Thanks.  How much time do we have left anyway?"  You glance up at the clock and see that you only have fifteen minutes left to finish the story.  How long were you drawing?  "Oh my god, we only have fifteen minutes left!  I'll write the next chapter."

You manage to finish the story in the remaining time you had.  Mr. Tanaka encourages the class to share the story with another partnership in the room.  

"So, who's story actually turned out better,?" Heracles asks like he already knows the answer.

"I guess we'll find out right now, won't we," Sadiq responds.

You hand Sadiq the story you wrote and he gives you the one he and Gupta wrote. There is a dramatic difference between every other paragraph in their story, so it's easy to tell who wrote which. Their story is about some guy who is traveling the world and selling the wonderful pottery he makes. The chapters that Gupta wrote are impressive, and the ones that Sadiq wrote...

The story that you and Heracles wrote isn't really a story. It's more like a peek into someone else's past life. Basically, there is a guy who is remembering some people and events that happened to him. He is regretting some of the things he has done, but it's not that sad of a story. Oh yeah, and he has a lot of pet cats that make him feel better.

Gupta returns your story. You give the one he wrote back to him.

"Nice job," you say. "You're good at writing."

Gupta tries to hide the slight smile that spreads across his lips and the faint blush that appears on his cheeks.

Sadiq crosses his arms.  "There were too many cats in your story."

"Well at least I put effort into it and didn't make my partner do all the work," Heracles snaps back.

Mr. Tanaka rings the bell at his desk.  "I hope you all enjoyed your first day of fiction writing. Before you turn in your papers, please write down the authors name next to the paragraphs they wrote, if you haven't already.  After you turn it in you are free to go. Have a great rest of your day."


You have a two hour break between fiction writing and world history.  Elizabeta isn't in the dorm which makes you feel a little lonely. 

You grab a granola bar from the vending machine convieniently located in the hallway outside your room.  Then, you sit on your bed and pull out your phone.  Maybe you should text (f/c/n).

You: Hey:) Just started the first day of college.  I haven't seen you in a while, how are you doing?

By the time you finish the granola bar (f/c/n) responds.

(f/c/n):  Hi (Y/N).  I'm doing fine, but I wish you were you here.  The people here are kind of crazy.

You:  Oh no.  What kind of crazy?

(f/c/n):  All different levels.  The person I share a dorm with always brings in these weird plastic bags...they smell really bad and he tries to hide them from me. Today he left the room for a second and I tried to see what was in the bags, but he came back into the room before I could see anything. He saw that I almost looked inside one of them and threw a huge fit.

You:  That's odd...

(f/c/n):  It is very odd.  Well, I have to go now.  I'll call you later.  Bye <3

You:  Okay, talk to you soon.  <3

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