Chapter 7

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How do you know when something is wrong? Is it that red alarm that goes off inside your head? Maybe it's that ache you get in the pit of your stomach?

...Or could it be that feeling that nothing is even wrong at all?


You have officially completed your first week of college. It seemed to fly right past you without you even knowing. Ah, if only the rest of the year could go by as fast as this first week.

It's Monday morning and you are getting ready for the infamous Ms. Jay's art class, which you have to attend three times a week.

Last Wednesday, Ms. Jay got real hostile. Everybody, or so it seemed to her, was using her fine sketching pencils and several had been broken. Her words were, "Nobody is to use my pencils for the rest of the year. I spent time and money on selecting the best suitable art supplies for y'all, and then you go and break them. From now on, y'all are going to bring your own pencils because I'M NOT GOING TO RISK LOSING ANY MORE DUE TO IRRESPONSIBLE KIDS."

She was giving Sadiq and Tasos the stink eye as she was saying this.

So, to avoid trouble, you dig through your box of art supplies and grab a good quality pencil. Then a couple more, just in case someone forgets.

It turns out Gupta did the same thing.  In fact, he went out and bought a whole pack of them.  You look at the box of pencils in admiration. 

"How much did these cost,?" you wonder.

Gupta does the usual and just shrugs his shoulders.  He doesn't say anything.

He did talk once, Sadiq had said.  Gupta was off doing god knows what when he told you that, so he didn't hear the conversation. 

Apparently, the one time he spoke was when he, Sadiq, and Heracles were in seventh grade.  There was this one kid who they went to school with named Mathew.  He was really passive and shy, and didn't say much.  This caused him to be bullied and pushed around a lot by these awful jocks.  They would go up to him in groups of three or four, and start saying horrible things. It didn't go on for that long because the principal soon got involved. She contacted their parents and they-the bullies- ended up having to do hours and hours of community service. The jocks ignored Mathew for some time after that.

But later that year, they saw him after school. Thinking that nobody was there to see, they started up the hurtful words again. They weren't at all aware that there were three people witnessing this. One of the bullies, the ring leader of the group, tried to throw a punch at Mathew.  Before he could do any harm, Gupta ran up and knocked his fist out of the air.  So hard in fact, that the bully fell to the cement ground.  Then, was when Gupta spoke. 

He screamed at the bullies, all of them. Heracles and Sadiq can't remember the exact words, but whatever they were, they intimidated the bullies enough so that they never went near Mathew again.

~{Back to Present Time}~

Ms. Jay is sitting at the front of her room (she made it clear that the room belongs to her and that as long as anyone is in it, they have to do exactly what what she says, how she says it).

"Today," she announces, "We will explore how our eye and hand coordination are connected. You will each work with the person next to you, and draw a portrait of them with your own pencils, without looking at the paper."

You hoped you wouldn't have to do an assignment like this.  Ms.  Jay thinks it's important to feel the art without seeing it, however. It really doesn't make things better that she has started grading you on your art abilities and how well she thinks you draw and paint. Maybe she'll go easy on everyone this time. Then again, when has she ever shown any sympathy? You'll just have to give it your best shot.

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