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"Almost there!"

I soared up in the air, looking down to see the scenario before me. She clung on the branch for dear life, her other hand reaching for a... hang on, how did that get there?

I got a little lower, getting a clearer glimpse of what she was reaching for. A peach (momo) was on the branch but I wonder how it got there.

I looked to my right, seeing a man walk down the sidewalk. He held a rather odd object with his left-hand, walking with a poker face.

"Gotcha!" she exclaimed happily as she gripped the flower in her palms

Things happened fastly as gravity worked on its own way. With a loud shriek, she fell from the branch.

What a clumsy girl.

I froze momentarily; I am not sure of what this scene is trying to show.

He got her in his arms, dropping the odd item. She gasped loudly, staring at the face of her life-saver.


She was clinging to his neck while he was still gripping her tightly. Ah, I see. He must have got these reflexes from playing basketball.

"You again!?" the guy with green hair screamed

[F/N] appeared too schocked to speak. She just quickly stood up and bowed in front of him.

"Sorry! I really am- ow."

I was shocked myself as I saw a huge gash on her left arm. Her blood oozed out as she gasped. His eyes widened as well, quickly opening his bag.

[F/N] tried to roll down her sleeves; but she failed.

I guess she wanted to stop the bleeding.

I am not quite sure about their intentions for I am a butterfly.

He quickly stopped her by grabbing her hand while he pressed a towel on her wounds.

I sensed the awkward eerie as she bowed her head. I saw his eyes shift away from hers, avoiding eye contact.

I noticed that he never let go of her hand as he continued to treat her wound.

"U-Um, you really don't have to do th-"

He silenced her by staring at her eyes.

... What is this?

She just lowered her head as he dampened the towel with water. He rummaged through his bag, clutching to some bandages.

"Why do you tape your fingers?"

"So that nothing can influence my left-hand shot." he answered monotonously

She just gave out an amused smile, wincing in pain.

He carefully took her arm once more, patching it up. She examined his face but he didn't look back at her.

"Thank you... u-um..."

"Midorima Shintaro." he answered

"Thank you, Midorima-kun." she said politely and softly

He picked the odd item, making her stare at him weirdly.

They started to walk side-by-side as I flew behind them.

"What were you doing up there?" he said

"My classmates started to make fun of me ever since Seijuro-"

She momentarily stopped as his eyes widened a little.

"I mean, Akashi-ku-"

"You know him?" he cut

I saw her smile drop a little as her eyes reflected sadness.

"I do... wait, I remember now! You used to be his teammate, right?" she answered enthusiastically

Midrorima just gave her a nod.

"S-So... u-um... you see, they stole my flowers and they put it up there." she awkwardly said

"Those are just flowers-nanodayo." he spat

"You wouldn't understand..." she whispered

He raised an eyebrow as she stepped her foot to the other block.

"You're going to the... cemetery?" he asked

"Hm." she nodded

He nodded as well as he walked beside her once more.

"You're curious on whom I'm going to visit." she smiled cheekily

"No, I'm not." he answered back

"Tsundere." she whispered


They entered the cemetery as I flew above them. She knelt down, his eyes widening.

"Hello there, mother." she said softly as she got some more flowers and placed it on top of her mother's grave

Midorima knelt down as well, making her smile.

"Mother, this is Midorima-kun." she said softly

Midorima gulped a little and I think it's a bit aloof for him to do this.

[F/N] smiled gently as she held the peach to him with her index and thumb.

"Peach symbolizes fascinating personality." she said softly as he took the flower

She smiled gently as he stared deeply at her then to the


flowers (akashi seijuro)Where stories live. Discover now