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Beyond the posts, a girl stood patiently. The sound of the train became louder as she gripped her bag.

Fluttering my wings, I landed on top of a bench. I watched her look down as she bit her lip slightly.

The doors opened, revealing tall men inside. She still held her head down as feet scrambled to go outside. She carefully watched their feet as she sighed deeply.

"That's not the way, Atsushi-kun."

Her eyes widened as she stiffened. She looked up, her mouth falling agape.

"Tatsuya-kun..." she whispered

The man with black hair suddenly stopped on his tracks, making the man with purple hair stop as well.

"Eh? Muro-chin?"

He turned around to the direction of the feminine voice, making the purple-haired man follow his gaze.

"[F/N]-chan..." he trailed off in shock


[F/N] smiled stiffly but her eyes reflected... sadness.

"It's been a while, Tatsuya-kun." she said sweetly

He didn't utter any word as he composed himself.

"[F/N]-chan..." he said once again

But this time, he hugged her like there was no tomorrow. She dropped her bag as she hugged him back as well.

"Eh?" the tall guy with purple hair said

Tears slid down her cheeks as a small smile appeared on her face.

"[F/N]-chan... I want to apologize—"

"What for?" she cut him

They broke their hug as he stared at her with sorry eyes. She wiped her tears away as she picked her bag up.

"Y-You know...for not contacting you..." he stammered

She let out a giggle as she waved her hand.

"It's okay... I'm used to being thrown away." she said as she pulled up a grin

A grin that masked all her real emotions. I can see them all in her eyes...

"[F/N]-chan... no... it's not like that..." he said

"Forget it, Tatsuya-kun." she said as she gripped the Morning Glory (Asagao) flower

His eyes widened a bit, running out of words. He quickly composed himself as he averted his gaze away. He coughed a little as he looked back up again.

"So... what brings you here... alone?" he asked

"I decided to explore a little. It's quite boring and lonely inside the house lately..." she said as she scrunched her eyebrows a little while looking down

"Eh? What do you mean?" he said

She heaved a sigh as she looked back up.

"It's nothing. Besides, you should get going. Looks like your friend is growing a little impatient." she said, pulling up a small smile

"Oh, right. [F/N]-chan, this is Murasakibara Atsushi. Atsushi, this is [Full Name]-san." he introduced

She gaped at the sight of his height as he stared down at her.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Murasakibara-kun." she said sweetly as she offered her hand

"Nice to meet yout too, [Nickname]-chin." he said as he shook her hand

"Say, [F/N]-chan, why won't you just come with us?" Tatsuya said

"A-Ah... n-no... it's okay. I don't want to interfere or something, you see?" she said softly

"Eh? It's totally fine! Plus, this is like my little payback for breaking my promise..."  he said as he scratched his head

"Eh? What promise, Muro-chin?" Murasakibara said

"I told you to forget about it, right? It's really fine with me." she said

"No, it's not. I've been a jerk and I really want to make it up to you." he said as he blushed deeply


She froze; his voice ringing in her ears. Murasakibara's eyes widened as Tatsuya's mouth fell agape.

"I'm sorry but I believe she can't go with both of you." he said


"Akashi-kun..." she said as she turned around

He stood with a smirk, bearing his usual stare.

"Because she's going to the flower park with me." he said as he took her arm with full force

I chuckled to myself as I fluttered my wings slightly.

Who knew Akashi Seijuro could be dense?

"Eh!? How do you even know I'm going to the flower park!?" she exclaimed

He just chuckled as he stared at her eyes.

"Come on now, [F/N]-chan~" he sang as he pulled her with him

"Hang on for a minute." she said sweetly as she untangled her arm within his

He looked stunned for a moment, making me chuckle in my head.

"Tatsuya-kun." she said softly as she took his hand

He blushed deeply as she placed the flower on top of his hand.

"Morning Glory symbolizes a willful promise." she smiled gently

He froze for a moment but he smiled a little as well.

"You never change, huh?" he said as she giggled a little


"See you soon, Himuro Tatsuya." she said sweetly as Akashi pulled her

Both of them walked silently to the train with Akashi keeping her close.

"You shouldn't be giving flowers to other guys but me." he said coldly

She blushed madly as she laughed a little.

Himuro watched in the distance, clutching the


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