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I soared up in the sky, looking down for a bit. I saw her carry some groceries as she hummed.

"He must be studying right now... I'll just walk home." she smiled sweetly

[F/N] tried to hoist the bag up, causing for her other hand to let go of the other bag.


Some cans fell on the ground, rolling by the sidewalk. Suddenly, a hand started picking up the cans. He bent down, setting the cans in her paper bag.

"How do you get to Rakuzan from Tokyo?" the man said

He sounded as if he was playing a joke on her.

"Well, you ride a tr-" she cut her sentence as she snapped her head upwards

The man with red hair wore a triumphant smirk as she gasped.


She threw her fists on his chest gently.

"Hey! I told you to stop calling me that!"

"I'm so happy to see you!" she exclaimed

She wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him for a hug. He laughed slightly as he hugged her back.

"How'd you know I study at Rakuzan?" she asked

"You're wearing your school jacket."

"Oh... right..."

They broke their hug as she grinned cheerfully at him. They stood from the ground as the man helped her with her groceries.

"Hey, [F/N], I'm sorry for breaking my connections with you." he said, scratching the back of his head

She gave out a nervous laugh, giving his shoulder a gentle shove.

"It's okay!"

"Yeah right... after all, you have always been closer with Tatsuya." he spoke

"No need to get jealous, Taiga." she said as she stuck her tongue out


Suddenly, a pair of scissors came flying to their direction. It went past through the gap between them, causing them to give a flabbergasted gasp. It ended up on one of the trees that lined up Tokyo.

"[F/N]-chan. I'll take you home."



"You know him, [F/N]!?"

Akashi gave him a cold stare; his blank gaze piercing through the man's red eyes.

"I'm her boyfriend." he spat

The man's mouth fell agape as [F/N] chuckled nervously.
Akashi removed the scissors from the tree, keeping it in his pocket.

"Let's go, [F/N]." he said coldly, grabbing the groceries from her hand

"See you, Kagami-kun!" she said cheerfully

They started to walk away, [F/N] heaving a sigh. He kept a straight face as she rolled the Forget-me-not (Wasurenagusa) on her palm.

"You didn't have to do that, Sei." she said

"What? You're mine, [F/N]-chan. It's just right that I treasure what's mine." he said

A blush spread through her cheeks but she quickly shrugged it off.

"You don't have to worry about that, Sei. Taiga used to be a close friend of mine back in America." she said

She looked at him once more, seeing that he wasn't contented. She held his hand, slipping the flower in between their hands.

"Forget-me-not symbolizes true love." she said

He looked at her, giving her a small smile. She giggled slightly as they continued to walk.

"You're the only one I love... forever." she said

I followed him to his house, slipping in the door. I saw a man sitting on the sofa with a blank expression. He glanced to his side, making Akashi Seijuro follow his gaze.

A brunette suddenly sprung up from the darkness; she looked like she's about to spring up to him. She wore a mini skirt, high heels and a black top.

A girl...


His eyes widened a fraction as he turned pale.


This scenario made me reminisce about [F/N]'s words earlier.

How about him?

Would he love [F/N] forever?

Is [F/N] his true love?

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