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Stiles scooted over on his bed
"Yeah, your gonna make sure that I don't move." Stiles smiled. Derek smiled, walked over and laid next to Stiles. Stiles fell asleep on his side facing away from Derek. While Derek slept on his back. When morning rolled around the alpha was holding the teen close. The boy was cuddling into the alpha's brod chest.
When Derek woke he was shocked at the peaceful Stiles sleeping calm in his arms. Derek wanted to know what Stiles would do in this situation. So Derek closed his eyes when Stiles started to wake. Stiles opened his eyes and found what he thought was a sleeping werewolf, but Derek was paying close attention to Stiles even if his eyes were closed.
Stiles smiled and snuggled closer to Derek and fell asleep. Derek smiled as well as he started to drift back to sleep. Stiles woke up again a while after and crawled out of Derek's arms. Stiles walked down to the kitchen and started cooking breakfast.
Stiles pulled out the bacon, eggs, sausage and three pans. Stiles thought about it then put two back and used one to cook the food. Derek shot up and sniffed the air before darting down stairs. Derek followed the smell into the kitchen where he found Stiles cooking the breakfast. Derek rubbed the sleep from his eyes as he walked over to the table and sat down.
"What's for breakfast?" Derek ask in a sleepy voice. Stiles melted at the sexiness of Derek's voice. Stiles was almost done with the bacon, already finished the sausage and getting to the eggs.
"Bacon, sausage and eggs, maybe toast. Don't know yet." Stiles explained sliding the plate of bacon aside and started cracking eggs into the pan. "Oh, the bacon may have a little sausage flavor and the eggs will have a sausage, bacon flavor. Is that ok? If I was to finish this before you got up I couldn't clean the pan, but your up, most likely starved so I need to hurry. Sorta deal with it" Stiles ask/explained to dead tired and hungry Derek.
Derek rested his head on the table, Derek's stomach was screaming for the sausage and bacon, but he held it back until Stiles finished the eggs. Derek lifted his head when there was a glass clanging sound that surprised him. Stiles was pulling out two plates for the food.
Stiles scooped some eggs on one of the plates, then put on two pieces of bacon and four sausages. Derek could smell the mixture of the food making him more hungry. Stiles placed the first plate in front of Derek and went back to get his. Derek started scarfing down the breakfast as Stiles scooped some eggs, placed two pieces of bacon and four of sausage all on the plate before sitting at the table.
Derek and Stiles didn't speak of what happened earlier. Well Derek didn't bring it up and neither did Stiles, they just sat in silence, eating. Derek finished way before Stiles, so after placing his plate in the sink, Derek walked to the couch he was supposed to sleep on, fell on his stomach, exhausted and fell asleep. Stiles finished eating as the phone rang
"Hello?" he answered. On the other line John greeted Stiles with a good morning. Stlies smiled. "Morning"
"Ok listen" John started "something came up ok? I'll be out half the day ok?" Stiles thought of if his dad got any sleep.
"Did you get sleep?" Stiles worried.
"Oh, I fell asleep working late. I came home, got a few hours of sleep before heading back in earliy this morning" John explained. Stiles sighed in relief
"Ok, see you later?" Stiles smiled. John said
"Ok bye."
"Bye" Stiles put the phone back and headed to the couch for some rest. Instead he found a sleeping Derek, peaceful and all.

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