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"Yeah. So we will have one more mouth to feed for food. Witch I know for a fact that will defiantly not be a problem" Stiles stated with a smile sent up to Derek. If only he had any idea how much I love him. Stiles thought.

Derek stared at the ceiling, Stiles snuggling fast asleep next to him the night of Christmas Eve. Derek couldn't sleep for some god only known reason, he can't stop thinking about that thing that attacked the boy a few days earlier. What was it? Why was it here?
The thought that worried Derek most, Will it come back? It was so hard for the poor alpha to find sleep. He would just keep and keep moving, non-stop. Just rolling around thinking, before he finally found sleep. Stiles' eyes fluttered open to darkness but his alarm clock said 4:15a.m. CHRISTMAS! Flooded Stiles' mind, with hidden joy.
Stiles rolled over on top of Derek and waited passionately for Derek to notice. Derek eventually did, moving to his side, Derek smiled into the pillow trying to fake sleep. He failed for Stiles noticed his smile and started to jump on the bed
"WAKE UP! WAKE UP! SOURWOLF WAKE UAHH!" Stiles shouted, soon falling into Derek's arms. "Not fair. Tickling should be illegal!" Stiles laughed as Derek's fingers tickled up his back.
"I think it's very fair..." Derek had a devilish smile as he spoke. Stiles sat up on Derek and kissed him good and long on those lushes lips of his.
"I love you." Stiles whispered to Derek after pulling away. Derek smiled and kissed him back
"I love you too." he smiled bigger, with more joy. The two stumbled down the stairs and slowly made their way over to the tree. Stiles sat on Derek's lap as they peeked at the presents, waiting for the sheriff to wake.

Around 7:30a.m. Stiles went into the kitchen to start breakfast, leaving Derek to either wake John or sort the presents. Of course after present sorting, Stiles was still cooking so Derek creeps up the stairs to wake John. He knock on the door and slowly creeks it open. John was pulling his Christmas robe, Stiles had got him last Christmas, on. John turned to look at Derek
"Let me guess he left you with present sorting or come wake me, you sorted the presents and he was still cooking?" John exclaimed as the walked into the hall.
"Yep." is all Derek said with a slight nod. John shook his head slightly chuckling
"Classic Stiles. Will come on let get down stairs before he burns down the house." John sighed. The filed down the stairs to see a smiling Stiles with a table set of breakfast. It smelt so good Derek almost died.
They quickly ate, opened presents and talked about why they got what for who. Isaac came over around lunch with a few presents. They all talked, played board games, and listened to Christmas music.
It was the best Christmas Isaac, John, Stiles and Derek could of ever dreamed of. They talked over doing again the next year. John sadly got called into work, there was a crack in an unsolved case. Isaac went back to the house, leaving Derek and Stiles alone at Stiles house.

"Best Christmas" Stiles stated flopping on the couch inches from sleep. Derek smiled
"Well we better get you in bed then Mr. Sleepy pants" Derek said pulling Stiles up in his arms and tromping the stairs to Stiles' room.
Derek set ,half-asleep, Stiles down on his bed. He pulled the blankets up and climbed in next to the boy
"good-night Derek" Stiles mumured into Derek's chest. Derek smiled
"good-night Stiles" Derek said wrapping his as around the boy.
"Mrry Cismas" Stiles slured out with a weak-sleepy smile "a uv ew" was the last thing to come out of the boy before he was lost in his dreams. Derek slightly chuckled
"I love you too Stiles." he smiled, nussled down in Stiles lush hair, closed his eyes and before falling asleep himself, he mumbled

"Merry Christmas"

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