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Stiles gave Derek a small, weak glare when he walked over to his side
"What?" Derek asked looking all innocent like. Stiles flicked his nose
"You know what you did. Bad Dog!" Stiles snapped which earned h a glare from Derek and a confused look from Isaac. Isaac pointed a finger between the two
"Are you two...A COUPLE!?" Isaac started to piece things together 'standing close, the growl from Derek, Stiles flicking him, the "Bad Dog"...OH MY GOD!' "you two are a COUPLE!" Isaac started to freak out with joy. Stiles looked to Isaac
"Yeah...I guess we are?" Stiles said looking to Derek to make it official as he smiled and nodded
"Yeah guess we are" Derek restated. Isaac jumped with so much joy he had to wait to calm himself before leading them inside. Stiles sat on the couch watching his alpha pull out the totes with Isaac. That house has so many totes of decorations and light Stiles' mind was blown.
After pulling out all of the totes the boys started to decorate. Stiles was trying to put up lights around the house while Derek put up the tree and Isaac put light up in a different spot in the house. Stiles was dangerously balancing on a chair, as he leand over to get a pin he leand too far and fell.
Derek had just finished with the tree when he heard a little thud. He thought Isaac was being stupid until he heard Stiles' heart race a little and ran up stairs to the aid of his Stiles. Stiles leand up against the wall as he tended to his wrist. Derek soon arrived, intseantly rushing the his Stiles, Derek nealed I front of him "what happened?" Derek asked his voice soft yet filled with worry. Stiles looked to Derek
"Oh don't worry I'm fine I fell but I stopped my landing at the cost of a sprained wrist nothing too serious." Stiles tried to reassure Derek but he was still worried. Derek looked at Stiles' wrist and sighed
"Yeah your right just a sprain but if you want it to heal faster don't use it and ice it." Derek smiled as he helped Stiles to his feet and started walking down stairs. Stiles walked into the kitchen, grabbed some ice, Derek grabbed some wrap from the first aid kit in the linin closet as Isaac ran from underneath where ever Stiles was asking
"What happened? I heard a thud" Isaac saw Stiles walking out of the kitchen with ice and figured he fell "oh you fell. Are you ok?" Isaac asked and Stiles smiled
"Yeah I'm fine go finish with the lights" Stiles chuckled and Isaac went back to where ever he was to finish with his tote of lights. Derek backed Stiles back into the kitchen and sat him up on the counter as he started to wrap the ice around Stiles' wrist. Stiles lightly placed his hand on Derek's cheek as he continued wrapping Stiles' wrist.
Derek ment to only glance at Stiles but ended up locking gazes. Derek dropped Stiles' hand, grabbed his face and pulled him into a passionate kiss. Stiles draped his arms over Derek's shoulders as a warming to the kiss.
Derek then grabbed around Stiles' waste and pulled him as close as he could. Stiles folded his arms around Derek's neck pulling him deeper into the kiss. Derek had the best plan to tell Stiles that he was Derek's mate. Stiles was in love with Derek so much that he realized he couldn't handle being away from his alpha. His love was just so strong within only a few days of being with him.

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