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Stiles dried his body before putting on some clean clothes. Derek finished his cold shower, wrapped a towel around his waist and stepped out of the bathroom. Derek walked into Stiles' room, where there was a half naked Stiles. Stiles jumped and fell into the wall
"God Damn! Do you ever not scare people?" Stiles asked. Derek chuckled and grabbed his bag "are you gonna get dressed?" Stiles felt his face heat up. He wanted Derek to stay in his room but didn't want to seem creepy. Derek stopped in the doorway
"Yeah, in the bathroom. Unless you want me to change in here?" Derek smirked. He could tell by Stiles' heart rate that he did but Derek wanted to hear it from Stiles. Stiles swallowed hard
"I-Uh yeah you can change in here. I should be going down stairs anyways" Stiles said feeling like an idiot. Derek smiled
"You want to stay. I can hear it in your heart." Derek said blocking the exit for Stiles. Stiles face turned a deep red as he stuttered
"I-uh-c-could-uh-" he didn't even know what he was trying to say. Stiles walked back and sat back against his bed as Derek changed on the other side. Derek gets his boxers and pants on before he can't hold back anymore. Stiles is like a cherry tomato by now when Derek walked over and sits next to him
"Stiles?" Derek asks turning his head towards Stiles. Stiles looks down at the floor
"Y-yeah?" Stiles answers. Derek grabs the side of Stiles' face and makes Stiles look at him
"I have something I have to tell you" Derek says softly. Stiles' heart is beating so fast by now, Stiles nods his head in acknowledgement as Derek continued. "I think I'm falling in love with you Stiles" Derek stated, looking at Stiles features to see how he's taking the news. Stiles felt so happy he had only one thing on his mind to show his happiness. Stiles wrapped his arms around Derek and slammed a kiss onto his lips. Derek fell back onto the floor smiling into the kiss. Stiles pulled way for a mear moment
"I'm falling in live with you too" Stiles said with joy before returning to the kiss. Derek sat up to where Stiles was sitting on his lap, grabbed Stiles and carefully stood up. Derek laid on top of Stiles on the bed. Derek pushed Stiles' hands above his head, pinning them to the mattress.
Derek moved to suck on Stiles' neck making the teen moan in pleaser. Derek found Stiles' sweet spot as the boy started moaning louder and louder with each suck. Stiles started thrusting his low half up into Derek. Derek slightly moaned as he move back up to kiss Stiles some more. They were just getting into one another's pants when there was a knocking on the front door.
Derek let out a low growl as he crawled off Stiles. Stiles slowly got up and made his way down th stiars. Stiles opened the door to see Isaac smiling "H-hey Isaac what's up?" Stiles said. Isaac got straight to the point
"Ok so have you seen- Derek!" Isaac jumped in joy meaning Derek was behind Stiles. Stiles turn to see, said werewolf, at the bottom of the stairs behind him.
"Oh Derek Isaac was just looking for you" Stiles smiled. Derek smiled
"Hey Isaac. Now before you bring up Christmas, I'm spending it with Stiles" the werewolf explained. Isaac sighed
"Ok I'll just go back to the house then" frowning Isaac walked back to the "pack house" as Stiles and Derek went back up stairs.

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