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Derek cought Stiles before he could hit the floor
"You ok?" Derek asked. Stiles looked up into Derek's beautiful eyes.
"Uh...yeah" Stiles managed to say before Derek set him on his feet. Derek smiled
"I think its better if I hold you up" Derek said. Stiles heart skipped a beat
"Um uh sure" Stiles said smirking. Derek crouched down and pointed at his back
"Get on" he said. Stiles hesitated before climbing onto Derek's back. Derek grabbed Stiles legs and stood up. Stiles wabbled a little but then went on pinning up the lights. Stiles and Derek finished with all the lights around the house and the tree at about 3:30 pm. From then on Stiles was in the kitchen cooking all kinds of different cookies. Derek walked into the kitchen, sat at the table and tapped his figures.
"Do you wanna help?" Stiles asked Derek as he set the bowl of batter on the table by Derek.
"Sure" Derek replies as he grabbed the bowl and the mixer from Stiles and started to stir it. Stiles plopped in some more flower and it puffed up in Derek's face. Derek glared at Stiles as he smiled innocently. Derek took a small hand full of flower and through it at Stiles' head. The flower landed all over Stiles' face, shirt and in his hair. Stiles only thought of getting.
Derek back, so he grabbed some flower and herald it at Derek's head. Derek chased Stiles around the house until they reached the kitchen again and slid into a wall. Stiles' back hit the wall and Derek's chest crushed into Stiles' knocking the wind out of him for a moment. Stiles gasped for air as Derek loses footing and they both hit the floor.
Stiles was on top of Derek, he was breathing heavy from the running and getting slammed against the wall. Stiles rolled off of Derek nearly falling asleep on the floor if it weren't for Derek lifting him to the counter "Stiles? Are you ok?" Derek asked worrying he might have actually hurt Stiles. Stiles leaned his head back and closed his eyes
"I'm soar" Stiles whined before leaning forward onto Derek's shoulder. Derek went to carry Stiles but lost balance and fell on his back with Stiles in a daze on top of him. When Stiles looked at Derek, Stiles was so close to Derek he hopped up on his hands and knees and backed into the wall. Derek came to sit in front of Stiles
"We should clean this up" Derek said and smiled. Stiles leaned against the wall
"Yeah, but I don't wanna." Stiles told Derek. Derek leaned forward making Stiles lean more into the wall
"You can 'not wanna' all you want but we are cleaning this house" Derek stated turning around, standing up and pulling Stiles up onto his back. After cleaning, Derek dragged Stiles until the boy finally lifted his legs. Stiles wrapped his legs around Derek's waist as Derek walked to the bathroom. Derek set Stiles on the toilet while he ran the water "you or me first?" Derek asked Stiles. Stiles looked up at him and smiles
"how about the same time?" Stiles said obviously joking. Derek gave him a weak glare
"Ok then you can go first just don't take long" Derek smiled at Stiles before walking out of the bathroom. Stiles sighed 'gosh a guy can't take a hint?' Stiles thought as he closed the door, stripped and got in the tub. Derek walked down stairs, grabbed his bag and walked back up the stairs into Stiles' room. Derek didn't want to dirty Stiles' room so he ended up sitting across from the bathroom door. When Stiles finished he wrapped a towel around his waist and almost jumped out of his skin when he saw Derek sitting on the floor.
"DAMN! You scared me" Stiles says as Derek stood up and smiled. Derek then walked into the bathroom and took a very cold shower.

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