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After Derek finished explaining what had happened Stiles was still but less confused. Ok. So Derek faught the thing. Didn't kill it but threatened it. Thing left and 'we're all safe because heaven forbid that thing thinks to come back.' Oh nope not according to Derek he thinks it wouldn't dare come back. Right. Stiles doesn't realize he was just staring at Derek blankly until Derek 'clears the knot in his throat'. Stiles looks to Derek and blurts out the first- ok second thing that crosses his mind.
"Christmas is in four days and we haven't bought presents" Stiles blurts and Derek just looks at him
"did you even understand anything I just told you?" Derek asks a little pissed. Stiles looks at Derek and takes a breath
"it prossessed, I promise, it's just- I just think we should go shopping...I was listening but-" Derek cut Stiles off
"You still don't you?" Derek sighed. Stiles looked down, ashamed of his big mouth. Derek placed a gentle finger under Stiles' chin and lightly pressed it up so Stiles was looking at him. "Its ok, you don't understand. Its a wolf thing. I could smell his hunger...I caught him a rabbit, told him to hunt for animals somewhere else and if I found him near you or the boy he would sist to exists." Derek explained to where it made lots more sense then before, when Derek left out the details. Stiles smiled wanting to get off the subject
"" Stiles asked. Derek chuckled, grabbed a hold of Stiles and simply, with no effort, stood up off the couch
"Yes Stiles, we can go shopping now."
Stiles cheered as they walked back into the house arms stuffed with gifts for Derek, John and Stiles. Derek and Stiles trumped up to Stiles' room and placed all the gifts in the closet, to be wrapped tomorrow after
John was sitting on the couch relaxing when they disappeared upstairs. He thinks of what They were hiding then looks to the tree and realizes that they are most likely hiding the presents for Christmas. He had almost forgotten about Christmas, being held up with work and all.
The boys walked down to the living room and sat on the couch as they watched TV. The TV was playing Christmas movies for the holiday and it just so happened to be 'White Christmas'. The boys both looked to one another and started to laugh. John was confused, the movie was at the beginning. How is this funny? John sat up and examined the way they were acting.
"If you will, please explain?" John asked them as he shut off the TV when they stopped laughing. Stiles sat up, looked to Derek then to John
"Dad, me and Derek are-" Stiles paused to glance at Derek. John sighed and got up
"In a relationship." John states walking to the kitchen "well, no sex in the kitchen and don't be loud. We don't need the neighbores to call again." John say a walking into the kitchen. Stiles' jaw dropped open as did Dereks'. Stiles started
"Wait. What?" Derek finished
"You knew?" They could hear John laughing in the kitchen.
"Yeah I knew. It's hard to hide when the neighbores call telling you they think someone is dying in your house." John explained walking back to the living room with a plate of cookies from when Derek and Stiles made a big mess. They all sat, ate cookies, watched TV Christmas movies and discused their plans on Christmas. "We plan to spend some of Christmas with Isaac at the house" Stiles stated. John looked to him
"How long are you gonna stay there?" John asked. Derek spoke up
"at least until he kicks us out or in between lunch and dinner. He might come over for dinner though" Derek explained to John.

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