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Stiles sighed after pulling from the kiss as his stupid stomach growled again. Derek sighed as well
"Ok come on let feed you before your stomach eats itself" Derek joked. Stiles giggled as he got up, Derek got up as well and they made their way down to kitchen. Derek picked up Stiles, sat him at the table "stay. I'm cooking the food" Stiles smiled as Derek kissed him and went to the stove
"Thank you" Stiles thanked Derek as he traised the outline of Derek's tattoo on the table with his finger.
Derek started to cook some eggs when Stiles yawned and rested his head on the table. Then Stiles could smell bacon and he gaulted upright to see Derek sitting across from him chuckling
"About time you smelt the food." Derek laughed. Stiles rubbed his eyes and blinked a few times
"How long was I-" he started
"The whole time I was cooking, I just now sat down and jumped up. Stiles have you been sleeping good?" Derek asked with worry as he slid Stiles' plate closer to him. Stiles sighed
"Yeah...I've been waking up in the middle of the night hungry and then sometimes I can't even fall back to sleep. I did last night but I think that was you. Without company I can't fall back to sleep. The only other few times I've fallen back to sleep is with Scott or Isaac. But it's been a while an-nI'm-tired" Stiles yawned the last part and started to eat his breakfast.
Derek smiled at his daising Stiles drifting into sleep on the bed after eating. No words can explain his love for Stiles. None what so ever. Stiles' love for Derek keeps growing he gave up on trying to find word to explain his beauty. Stiles woke up around 2:00 pm, Derek was reading a book when Stiles sat up, stretched up arching his back and yawning. Stiles laid back on Derek's chest "I think I'm done sleeping" Stiles stated. Derek looked from his book to Stiles and smiled
"So we can go do something? Like help Isaac decorate the house?" Derek lifted an eyebrow. Stiles looked at him in confusion
"What do you mean?" Stiles asked Derek. Derek looked back to his book
"Isaac texted me and asked if we could help" Derek explained as Stiles moved to straddle him and move his book down
"And you didn't get me up?" Stiles asked as he leaped out of bed and started to get dressed. Derek sat up, stood off the bed and walked to his bag on the floor by the door. Derek opened his bag and pulled out a shirt and jeans while Stiles diggs through a small random pile of close on the floor. Stiles slips on a pear of jeans and pulled his pj-shirt off and kept digging for a shirt.
Derek pulled off his sweats, slipped on the jeans, stopped to look at his Stiles before sliding his shirt over his head, walked over to, the still shirtless and searching, Stiles. Stiles finally found a shirt that was good and clean, put it on and pumped into Derek. Stiles almost fell but Derek grabbed him and gave him a kiss. Afterwards Stiles put some tenni-shoes on as did Derek and they both walked out to Stiles' jeep. Derek and Stiles climbed in, Stiles started the jeep, backed out of the driveway and headed to the house.
They pulled up to the house, was happily greeted by Isaac outside as they clues out of the jeep. Isaac ran up to Stiles and gave him a big hug. Derek being protective of his Stiles he let out a low growl and Isaac backed off slowly.

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