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Derek was on the couch, down stairs and Stiles was in his room on his bed sleeping. Derek was reading when there was a thud up stairs. Derek sat up, set down the book and walked up the stairs in his sweat pants and no shirt. He walked to Stiles' room and opened the door. Stiles was on the floor in a t-shirt and boxers, rubbing his head. "Fall outta bed?" Derek asked. He then noticed tear stains on Stiles cheeks. Stiles wiped his face
"Damn nightmares" he smiled like it was normal. Derek heard that and ran to help Stiles up
"Are you ok? What was it? Why were you crying?" Derek asked. Stiles rubbed his eyes, ignored Derek's questions and walked down stair. Derek followed behind as Stiles walked to the couch and flopped down on his stomach, closing his eyes in the prossess. Derek walked over and crouched down in front of Stiles' face
"Stiles? I sleep there" Derek smiled at the sleepy teen. Stiles moaned and rolled over to face the back of the couch. "Stiles if your gonna act like this I'm gonna have to break some rules" Derek said then waited to see if Stiles cared about the rules or was sleeping. Derek walked around the couch to the back to see Stiles' face.
He was staring at the back of the couch with sleepy eyes. "Stiles?" Derek asked leaning over the back of the couch to get a better view. Stiles looked up at Derek and rolled over right off the couch, hitting the floor with a hard thud. Derek rushed over to Stiles who was all to more awake then before and trying to get up.
Derek helped Stiles up, sat him on the couch as he sat down as well. Stiles laid his head back, closed his eyes and sighed. Derek watched as Stiles drifted off to sleep once more. Derek sighed thinking about Stiles' little rules. 'Keeping distance in there twice? He got nervous.'
Derek went through the sorta important rules at the moment. Stiles started hyperventilating and moving around the couch. Derek looked over to the crying, screaming Stiles and listened close to his heartbeat. Stiles heart was racing as Stiles found his way down to the floor.
Derek was so focused on Stiles' heartbeat he didn't notice Stiles had fell until he heard a thud. Derek got off the couch and grabbed the still sleeping Stiles. Derek listened to Stiles' heartbeat as he carried the teen to his bedroom. Derek walked in, laid Stiles in his bed before closing the door and sitting against Stiles' bedroom wall facing his bed.
Derek waited for Stiles to wake up, fall outta bed, or start moving. All Derek noticed was Stiles' heart beat slowly started to speed up again. Derek sat forward as Stiles started hyperventilating, when Stiles started rolling towards the edge Derek stood.
While Stiles was starting to fall Derek caught him. Stiles started to wake after two minutes. Stiles was still in Derek's arms when his eyes fluttered open. Stiles looked straight into Derek's eyes with tears in his, Stiles somehow finds it in himself to smile at Derek.
Stiles wiped his damp cheeks and sat up, off of Derek. Stiles stood up and climbed back into bed. Derek got up soon after and walked to Stiles' door hoping he would invite him to stay. As Derek opened the door Stiles spoke up
"Yeah?" Derek turned towards Stiles.
"Could you uh maybe s-stay in here? I mean incase I fall again?" Stiles' voice was shaky. Derek closed the door
"Yeah Stiles...can't have you falling out of bed now can we?" Derek smiled.

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