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Stiles stared at the ceiling of his room in disbelief of Scott leaving two weeks before Christmas. One week before Stiles and him would get out of school for break. Stiles sighed and rolled on his side facing the wall way from his window. His eyes fluttered shut.

Derek was thinking about visiting Stiles for a little bit before Isaac invited him to have Christmas with him, Boyd and Erica again. 'Maybe if I convince Stiles to have me over for Christmas Isaac will stop asking me every damn year' Derek thought as he walked to Stiles' house. He looked up at Stiles' bedroom window, sighed and climbed up. He tapped on the window to see if the boy was up. Stiles softly snored as Derek lifted the window and crawled in. Derek listened to the sweet sounds of Stiles' heart beating calmly. He closed the window behind him and was surprised at the speed Stiles' heart was going when he closed the window. Stiles' heartbeat seemed to speed up, Derek turn around to see Stiles was sitting up looking at him. Stiles was almost hyperventilating 'what? Did he have a nightmare?' Derek thought. Stiles hopped off his bed, walked over and closed his door.
"W-what are you doing here? My dad is down stairs" Stiles whisper shouted at Derek. Derek walked over to Stiles' desk and sat in his chair
"Was thinking about Christmas..." Derek started.
"Um, ok why?" Stiles interrupted. Derek glared at him
"As much as I like Isaac, I don't want to spend Christmas with him, Boyd and Erica again." Derek continued.

Stiles was getting confused. 'Why is Derek here? What do I have to do with Derek's precious Christmas? What the hell dose He want?' too many questions ran through Stiles' mind.
"Ok, so what do I have to do with that?" Stiles asked, crossing his arms and raising an eyebrow. Derek sighed
"Can I spend Christmas with you?" He said sounding so very inesint. Stiles looked at him and started to laugh, falling on the floor and laughing even harder. Stiles' sides started to get sore and he wasn't losing his breath.
Derek looked very serious, his expression was firm and he had a slight glare forming. Stiles finally cought his breath and calmed down before getting to his feet. Stiles walked over to his bed and fell back on it. He bounced with the springs, still giggling at Derek's comment. When Derek got up, grabbed Stiles by the collar of his shirt and slammed him hard against the wall "I am very serious Stiles." he eyes were slowly turning red but died down when Stiles' dad, the sheriff, knocked on the door
"Stiles? Are you ok?" Derek let go of Stiles and ruffly shaved him towards the door. Stiles stumbled to the door and opened it
"Hey dad, I'm fine...I was just...watching some funny cat videos...fell over laughing...I'm fine." Stiles smiled at John
"Ok...I'm leaving soon, don't forget to eat dinner. Ok?" John raised an eyebrow
"dad I'm not gonna forget to eat" Stiles said before closing the door. John sighed as he walked back down to the kitchen. Derek was sitting back at Stiles' desk when he spun the chair around slowly
"Stiles, I am being serious about this." he said, standing up off the chair and walking a little closer to Stiles. Stiles was watching Derek thinking about how much he is in love with him, but how it was odd because Derek is such a jerk. 'Its almost like unconditional love or something?' Stiles thought. He noticed how close Derek was getting and his heart started to race.

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