Chap. 5

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Diane POV

"Mama that's so cool. Are you really going to meet Alexander Tay?" Juan David asked with big eyes as he sprawled in my bedroom sofa. He was supposed to be helping me pack. But that was never going to happen.

"Yes I am" I grunted trying to zip my suit case. I was not really surprised with his enthusiasm. Alex was one of David's favourite actor. And through the next couple if weeks yours truly would be working closely with him.

"Mama that's awesome! Can you get an autograph for me?" Juan David begged with his puppy dog eyes.

"I'll try" I answered him absent minded. I was too busy focusing on packing. I know I am forgetting something. Now I know why it is wrong to leave packing till the last minute.

My bedroom door flung open and I barely caught the face of the person who dashed across my room and face planted on my bed.

"Hey hey get off my bed. I just made it" I scolded Mario.

He just laughed and hopped off. Any other time I would have scolded him and lectured him. But this time I ignored him and continued looking around my room. Making sure I didn't forget anything.

I was going out of the country for a couple of weeks to shoot a new scene in George's upcoming movie. It was a perfect opportunity to work on my directing skills. I was actually surprised when he asked. I have done a couple of amateur directing but this movie was a blockbuster with a budget of over 300 million dollars!

If you're thinking that's was so nice of him or he mist really love me then you are so dead wrong. Love will be guiding me through the whole process and being a mentor. No instead, this man decides to throw me in the sea knowing full well that I couldn't swim! At least I was only directing three scenes of the movie.

"Mama Uncle George is here" Mario said picking up the remote.

"What Mario why didn't you tell me that before" I asked exasperated. Grabbing the remote from him to make him pay attention.

"You didn't ask" shrugging his shoulders. Grabbing the remote back.

Kids and their short term memory. Ironically they don't seem to ever forget when you make a promise to the. Sighing I hurried to the bathroom and the checked my make-up. It seemed okay.

Glancing at my watch it was time for me to make tracks. Walking back into the bedroom I picked up my brief case and purse.

"Okay boys I have to leave. Could you please bring my bags downstairs?"

Doing as they were told, I meanwhile went ahead of them.

"And please do not throw it over the balcony or slide it down the stairs" I warned. I knew my kids way too well. As I suspected I heard grumbles. I had obviously spilt their plans.

"Mama? Mama-"

"I'm not your mother sweetie. But I am glad, you think me sweet and beautiful enough" George joked. Causing my mom to giggle. I rolled my eyes in amusement.

"Whatever helps you sleep at night" I quipped back at him.

"Oh I sleep fine" he winked at me. Making a suggestive wink.

I don't want to know" I faked gasped. My mom just glared at him.

He chuckled at our reactions.

"Oh and get your feet off my counters" I instructed. I was really anal about cleanliness. He scoffed but did as he was told. Not that he had much choice. I filled my water bottle and poured myself some good old fashioned life saver; coffee.

Signed Away (SOON TO BE PUBLISHED ON AMAZON)Where stories live. Discover now