Chap. 17

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Happy New Year Everybody. My first update this year. Please enjoy. Vote and Comment. And please do not hate me for not updating sooner. I had a lot on my plate but I can finally say that I am back.



There were five people in the room and they kept on shrinking back in fear. The loud bellows from Collins was enough to wake the dead. Ever since his run in with George and Diane he had been in an irritable mood. He was irate and just thinking of George around his kids was enough for him to become a tornado in destruction. Anything around him was not safe.

His mother could not even get through him. For the first time in her life she was frightened of her son. She could not understand but for the last couple of weeks Collins had become incredibly rude and distant towards her. She seemed to be a bad cloud that brought his mood down. He scowled at her near presence and had politely but cruelly had her escorted out of his office and his house. It hurt. She wanted to help him and be near him during this difficult time but he wasn't letting her. And it hurt her greatly.

"Collins sweetie?" she called to him. She and her husband had taken refuge at the corner of the wall. Collins had just calmed down from one of his tirades. Destroying anything he could reach. Thousands of dollars being lost with all his tirades. The damage was so great that it would take weeks to fix his house. But a man like Collins could easily buy another house but the point was if someone found out about this, this could affect him negatively. And the last thing Collins needed, was for the court to think that he had an anger problem and was a danger to the children. It was a miracle that the neighbors hadn't called the police with all the yelling and screaming and chaos.

"What?" he snapped, making her shrink further and further into the wall.

"I think you need to calm down and head up to bed" in a firm voice. She was still his mother.

"Bed?" he repeated.

"Bed She talks about bed" laughing out loud. "You speak of sleep? Are you crazy?!" looking at her incredulously.

"Collins" his father warned in a low voice. He was getting real sick of his son's continual disrespect to his wife.

"What? How could we think of sleep when my future hangs in the balance?" he screeched back at him.

"And you must rest" his mother soothed.

"I am not tired! And it is my body not yours! Just stop woman! I am a man" he screamed. He was just about ready to commit matricide. Every word his mother uttered a word it just enraged him more. His mind went back to the conversation he had with Rachel. It just kept eating at him more and more.

"Any man who says, "I am a man" is no true man. And any man that yells at his mother is no true man. So I would watch my next words if I were you. That is your mother you are speaking to, show some respect" his father warned in a low deadly voice.

Collins just scoffed. Of course his father would defend his wife. Sometimes he wondered what happened to him. And the outrage and perhaps tiredness "Grow some balls dad and stop letting this woman control you all the time!"

There is a long, tense silence, as the people in room awaits to see how Heath would respond to such a shocking insult. His mother watched with a heavy heart and fear as she sees the rage between these two alpha males. Heath was about to snap but then he takes a second to contemplate his words. His gaze never leaving Collins and betraying no emotion he spoke to his wife.

Signed Away (SOON TO BE PUBLISHED ON AMAZON)Where stories live. Discover now