Chap. 14

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I Am Baaackkk.


"Collins sweetie please calm down" my mother shrieked wringing her hands in fear. She wisely stood 20 feet away. Right now I was not her son. I had become a demented person who was hell-bent on making everything around me suffer.

This was not the first time she was saying that sentence. As her voice increased with each word as well as her desperate pleas I ignored her as I had been doing for the past ten minutes. I didn't heed her growing screams and her clutching her chest as if she was having a heart attack. Actually, I would be appreciative if she did take a trip to the hospital or anywhere in the world. Preferably Timbuktu. That was not happening anytime soon so to pacify I threw another mirror on the ground and watched with the greatest satisfaction as it shattered to dozens upon dozens of pieces.

The pleasure was so great that I just had to grab another. Then another, then another. To cut it short anything that I could get my hands on was destroyed. I didn't care who get hurt in the process.

"Collins, I know that you are angry but you are really scaring me. You need to calm down" Ashley begged, standing by my mother. She as well was trying to avoid the wreckage that I was leaving.

If I ignored my own mother then what makes her think I would listen to her?

From the corner of my eye I saw the wet bar that up till then had been safe from carnage and destruction. Heading swiftly to it, I started throwing the bottles, ice buckets, glasses, on the floor and on the wall. Drinks were shattered along with the glass. Some of the best liquor in the country were all gone. Gone in a matter of minutes. But it didn't matter. Nothing mattered to me anymore. Nothing. What good is all my hard work if I have no one to leave it to?

"Collins" Ashley screamed at me bringing me out of my thoughts.

The closest thing next to me was a vase left standing was a base I got as a present from my grandma. I promptly threw that against the wall.

"Collins please calm down" Judy screamed clutching her tummy. I don't know why but I detested her at the moment. No I have detested her ever since she and her husband announced they were expecting their first child than 7 and a half weeks ago.

All it took was one look at her and the anger and bitterness hit me like tsunami. I was filled with different forms of emotions, but the most apparent was rage. Here she was carrying her child and I was left with nothing. Here she was picking out baby names and I was left to pick up the pieces of my life. She was busy shopping for onesies and whatnot. Planning a baby showers. Giving interviews and having her pictures taken in magazines left, right, and center.

Isn't life funny? Ashley was the one who insisted that I sign my rights to my child away. She encouraged me. No she forced me to give my children away. She all but demanded that I force Diane to abort my baby in order to blot out any trace or existence of me and Diane's DNA on this earth. And now she demands that I calm down?! What rubbish. Everything she had was supposed to be mine. The spouse, the child they were all supposed to be mine. Mine!

I stopped smashing for a minute to gather my thought. I heard sighs and gasps.

Turning my face, I saw looks of relief on their faces. But that look was quickly replaced by what I said next.

"Get out" in a deathly quiet voice.

I didn't hear anyone moving. "I said get out! I want to be left alone!" I bellowed.

But I didn't hear the scurrying of feet or the door closing. Guess they were not that scared of me. Pity.

Pity. That was the word that summed up my life. My life was pitiful. I had a pitiful family and pitiful lawyers.

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