Chap. 18

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"What did you just say?" Esther gasped. Staring at her in shock.

"I said" Diane speaking slowly whilst walking closer to where her mother stood "When are you going to stop destroying my life" enunciating every word.

"What are you talking about? What happened? Where is this coming from?" tears already springing from the corners of her eyes. Her heart was already dropping to her stomach.

Letting out a breath to try and control her rage "Did you or did you not, take money from Collins Dwight?" she demanded.

Esther looked confused and tried racking her brain for the source of this question "No. No I never took money from him"

"Really?" giving her an incredulous look.

"Yes. I just told you. I have never at least that I recall have I ever taken money from Collins or his father or mother" folding her arms.

"Hmm. You might want to rack your brain harder and think" she said rather rudely. Politeness thrown out the window. She was just too angry. Too frustrated. Every time that she took a step forward in her life she was pushed ten steps back.

"I will remind you that you are speaking to your mother, young lady" in a firm voice.

She chuckled wryly "She says "mother" – continuing to chuckle. "Yeah, I don't think you understand the concept of that word. Because you sure as heck aren't one" her eyes turning hard.

"Watch your tongue and tone young lady!" Esther snapped. "Remember who you are talking to!"

"I know who the hell I am talking to. I am talking to a woman who is determined to ruin my life and that of my children. I am talking to a woman who seems to draw negativity and bad-luck like a magnet"

Esther did a double take. She blinked twice to make sure that it was indeed Diane that was speaking to her in this manner. She had raised her daughter to have respect her elders. "What is going on with you Diane?! What happened?! Did I do something? Speak to me clearly"

"Did you take money from Collins?!" Diane yelled whilst thanking George silently for taking the kids downstairs. From the way that this conversation was going it was about to get ugly.

"I said no! No! No!" she yelled back. Why would Diane think that she would ever go to Collins for money?

"Oh my God!" Diane screamed pulling her hair in frustration. This was going nowhere. She turned away to calm her racing heart down. She needed to tackle this issue in a matured way.

There was a momentary pause, both women left to their thoughts.

"Fine" she relented. "Okay you didn't take money from Collins. Did you take money from Eric Timmons?"

Esther momentarily froze. This was not what the good madre was hoping for. But a tiny voice reminded her that sooner or later, it was bound to come to light. And what was worse was that she was not the one to tell her daughter. It should have been better coming from her. And her daughter looked enraged like a bull about to gore someone down.

"I-I uh" having trouble swallowing. Her throat becoming dry as cotton. She was having trouble conceiving her words.

"Anytime now, mom" Diane urged her voice in sweet condescension and tapping her foot.

Clearing her throat "Yes. Yes Diane I did"

"Wow" slumping down in the sofa and holding her head in her hands. For the briefest of moments she hoped that her mother would deny it and say that it was some sort of mistake. It had to be.

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