Chap. 9

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Hello everyone!! Happy New Year! The first update and chapter of the year 2016. I want to thank all who have voted and commented on my book. I appreciate it. Thank you.

Please keep the comments and votes coming.

Anyways, enjoy and God bless.


Diane's POV

"Good afternoon gentlemen. Could I ask what is going on here?" shutting my door with a snap whilst staring straight at the men who were causing all the ruckus and wondering what on earth they were doing here. 

"Hello Diane. Long time no see"
Collins said gravely. He had aged since the last time I had seen him and looked worn out. Don't get me wrong he looked as handsome as ever, but one can see he held an exhausted look on his face. I guess that is to be expected when you are running an empire singlehandedly.

"Why are you disturbing my peace? And the peace of my office Mr. Dwight" I asked with my eyebrows raised and my arms across my chest. I loved getting straight to the point. 

"I wanted to talk to you" he said simply.


"Yes" he paused for a minute, almost studying me. I would have been unnerved and uncomfortable if I wasn't so used to this. In the business world everyone wants to know your angle.

"How are you?" he softly asked me.

"Very well. Now, I know you didn't travel all the way here to ask about my health. So please spare me all the pleasantries and get to the point" I said pointedly. The faster I got him talking the faster he leaves.

"These Neanderthals over here won't accept the fact that your busy and can't see anybody without an appointment" Delores screeched. Boy was she mad.

I shook my head trying to contemplate who in their right mind would go against Delores's commands? Well not me. I didn't have a dead wish.

"I see. Well Mr Dwight, as you have heard my assistant, I am booked and I am busy. So if you and your friends can leave I'll be much obliged" signaling with my head the door.

"Diane it is with the up most importance that I speak with you" he quickly spoke, taking a couple of steps to me.

I had to remember that this was Collins. Years might have gone by but that didn't mean the man was any different. What Collins wants Collins get. Sighing I rolled my neck. I really needed a massage. "How about I meet you in an hour and a half"

He looked taken aback and had a look of surprise on his face before it was quickly replaced with a blank look. But I still saw it. Probably thought he would have to wrestle me all day to get me to agree.

Well mission accomplished, I had succeeded in getting him all frazzled up and confused. I found out its the best and most effective way to really know someone's motive and truth.
Hopefully this will work.

"Okay how about at 4 at my office" handing me a card with his company's name and address embossed on it.

"Sounds good" accepting the card.

"Mr. Dwight, could I ask the reason for this meeting?"

He glanced around the room "Let's say I would like to work with you very closely"

Well if that is not cryptic. But oh very well. But I kept my feelings to myself and just nodded my head. He finally left my building.

"The nerve of that man! Walking in here like he owns everything. I was ready to send his pretty little face to the ICU" Delores huffed.

Signed Away (SOON TO BE PUBLISHED ON AMAZON)Where stories live. Discover now