Chap. 7

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It had almost been a fortnight since we returned from our mini vacation. If you could call it that and the drama on the island had not yet cooled down. Needless to say there was a heck lot of drama after Diane and Alexander Tay left to go to wherever they were going I wished then I had brought a few more body guards, I could have sent a couple to tail her. Why was I always unlucky?

The atmosphere at dinner had quickly turned. No one had much to say, I think we were all still in shock. It seemed we had so many questions, and we didn't know where to start from. All we know was that it needed to be answered otherwise we would all go crazy.

After she left with that Alexander Tay fellow, the table went back to the way it was. But you'll be an idiot not to know that something was wrong. I think even Roger and Angela felt it as well. Dinner could not end soon enough. We said out goodbyes and we all headed back to the hotel. Except my folks. They decided to take a romantic walk on the beach.

So the rest of us trudged back to our hotel not saying much. Ashley was pissed off and understandably so. But tonight was just not the night. I was l in no mood to hear her rants. Or the series of speculations and innuendos. That was why she had her sister. I was mentally exhausted I bid everyone a quick goodnight in the elevator and headed to my room to pour myself a good scotch.

To this very day and very minute the shock has not died down. I thought it would wear off but it hasn't. Every single time I think about it my mind would and could not wrap my head around it. This was fate, this was meant to be. I was supposed to find her. Maybe God wasn't punishing me after all.

To be honest I had searched Diane Reyes up. But I got the wrong name. There were only a couple Diane and Reyes but they didn't match her profile. Robert said she was famous but there was no pictures or blogs that gave evidence of the said woman. I had no choice but to wait for the investigators report. But I was driving myself crazy with the wait.

Every single hour of every single day my mind was on Diane. I couldn't help it. It was like she was permanently etched in my brain forever. Whenever I thought of her I thought if my child. Where was she or he? Did Diane bring her on her trip? Who was he with and were they responsible people? Is he alive? I was really driving myself crazy.

I can not stress the impatience I was enduring for the report of the the private investigator.

I couldn't believe I had found her. Deep down I figured I would never need her or see her ever again.

But now here was my chance. And nothing and I mean nothing would tear me away from her. Why the hell was this bloody call taking so long?! Damn, I was really over working myself. This past two weeks I had been avoiding almost every call, allowing my p.a to handle them. I am pretty sure my friends and colleagues thought I was going crazy. I had not attended any part or social event in well over a month.

I even ignored all calls of my family. I couldn't deal with two dramas at once. I think I received about 200 missed calls and over a 100 text messages. They were all wondering how I was doing and if I was okay and all that sentimental crap. Finally, I had enough. Sending them all a group text basically saying "stop calling me. I'm fine!" It certainly got the message across. I had to cut them off they were blowing up my phone. But I promised to inform them as soon as I found something.

But in order to do that I needed my phone to ring. And that would never be achieved if they were calling me every five seconds. I think they understood and the calls stopped. Maybe they finally realized how important this phone call was beyond important to me. I had never been this anxious and this nervous about anything in my entire life. And here I was at a diner drinking wine and going out of my mind.

Signed Away (SOON TO BE PUBLISHED ON AMAZON)Where stories live. Discover now