Chap. 11

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THIRD POV. (I really hope you guys enjoy this. I am a bit nervous. I am changing the pov slightly)

I want to thank you guys for all comments and votes and supports. But most importantly the comments. I love them.

"It's been five days already ma, where is that man?" Diane complained to her mother as she paced his massive kitchen. This had become a regular routine conversation that mother and daughter had gone through for hours and days.

"I am sure that he is a little busy" Esther assured her whilst kneading some bread dough.

"Busy? Busy? He turns my life upside down and he is now too busy to see me?" she shrieked to her and looked at the woman before her as if she had just lost her mind.

"Calm down sweetie. I am sure that he will be here soon. He probably just got caught up in some extra work and meetings. You know how you Hollywood people are" she said in a soothing voice. But she was actually praying to herself 'In the name of God, George drop whatever it is you are doing and please, please, please come home before she comes looking for you'

"Ma, ma please stop defending that man" Diane said throwing my hands up in defeat. Ever since George's 'revelation' her mother had done nothing but defend the man. It was almost like George was her son.

"Somebody has to. Besides he is my son-in-law after all" her mother replied with a wink.

"Mom not this again. Stop teasing me with that that brute" she groaned.

"You really shouldn't talk about your future husband that way" she playfully chastised her daughter. She was actually enjoying this whole thing. It was not every day you could get to tease Diane.


Taking a deep breath "Diane sweetie, I think you are being too hard on the guy"

"Too hard? I am being too hard?! Mom that guy stated on national television that he and I were engaged. Engaged! And I am being too hard on him? Come on mama" she yelled. 'Is everybody going stark raving mad around me?' thinking to herself.

After George's interview, she had had series of cheers and hugs and congratulations from Nina and Neal and her friends. No matter how many times she told them to stop they wouldn't listen. They thought the whole situation was a riot and they remarked that she and George would be a very cute couple.

Her hopes that not many people saw the episode were soon dashed when every single entertainment media was replaying and captioning the moment. There was even a picture of the couple. She recognized it as a picture that was taken after they shot their first movie together. Nothing happened but from the angle it really did look like they were a happy couple. She was smiling and George was mock glaring at her. But they got the whole story wrong, they had been arguing and playing pranks on each other when the picture was taken.

And the stories and rumors that the entertainment magazines and television were posting she could not just believe. Some of the headlines were

"Diane has never felt this happy in a long time"

"George makes her smile and she practically lights up when he is around"

"They are moving in together"

"George is a great and a hands-on dad and they can't wait to have more kids"

Where were these statements coming from? Well according to US Entertainment a source close to the family. Which was just ridiculous. She did not even have that many close friends.

Signed Away (SOON TO BE PUBLISHED ON AMAZON)Where stories live. Discover now