Chap. 6

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Collins POV

I couldn't breathe. My heart was beating erratically. Is this what a heart attack feels like? Because I am pretty sure that I was having one.

Diane was here. She was here, in this very room!

I swear I nearly collapsed. She was looking beautiful. Scratch that, she was looking drop dead gorgeous. I couldn't take my eyes off of her. She sure had matured into a gorgeous woman. She was wearing a pink pencil skirt which did nothing to hide those long legs and curves. Topped with that she had a silk white blouse and heels that would make any woman jealous.

But what was getting to me was why she was here. Was this where she was hiding all this time? On an island? But my mind kept drifting to how gorgeous she looked.

Heck. I was sure I wasn't the only one who felt that way in here. She looked up and my breath stopped for I knew it was Diane.. Those dark chocolate eyes could not deceive me. Unfortunately I didn't didn't catch her. For I had turned my head back quickly before she could. I cursed myself for my cowardly actions but I was scared. What do you say to someone you've scorned?

When I thought it was safe to do so I turned to look at her again. Diane seemed different. There was an aura around her that I could not decipher.

She was different. She carried herself with presence and confidence. Something I had never seen in her before. Someone's walk can really tell you a lot about the person. For Diane, hers was purposeful and confident.

I turned back to my table. Eric still was looking shocked as well as was Judy. He had definitely seen her as well. He looked at me shocked. His eyes were questioning if it was really her. It still didn't seem possible to me. This was fate. This had to be fate.

But I wonder what she was doing here. I am pretty sure she couldn't afford a place like this. And judging by the way she maneuvered around the place she was familiar with the place. How could she possibly pay?

My mind was racing with ideas and scenarios. But there was one that stood out the most. Maybe she was here as a mistress? How else would she be here at a high class restaurant.
She was still busy on her phone and did not glance our way. She hadn't yet seen us. But I doubt she'll take her eyes off long enough to see us. The waitress lead her to her table I assumed which was further to our left. Away from my questioning eyes.

Turning to the group once again, I realized they had not seen my bizarre behavior for which I was thankful. I did not care to explain to everyone and strangers that my estranged ex-girlfriend and the mother of my child had just walked into this very restaurant. Yeah I don't even want to know how that conversation would go.

After five minutes of pretending that everything was going well, I could not take it anymore. I had to know. It was eating me up inside. I had to find out first if that was really her and two where my child was.

Eric seemed to get my intention and stood up to follow me. We excused ourselves citing that had to take a phone call. Everyone looked at quizzically. But we didn't give them a chance to respond and followed the direction she had gone.

Walking her way we immediately saw the woman. Right there and then I had no doubt whatsoever that it was really Diane.

She was still on her phone typing away. She had a glass of iced tea on her table.

Diane?" I asked hesitantly.

She slowly raised her eyes to meet ours. My breath was taken away once again. I was completely enthralled.

Her eyes showed recognition. But almost instantly they hardened. They looked at us so coldly that even I had to flinch back. However, she didn't say a word. She just went back to her phone. I knew there and then that it was her. I couldn't believe it. If I was that man I would be crying for joy.

Signed Away (SOON TO BE PUBLISHED ON AMAZON)Where stories live. Discover now