Chap. 12

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Diane POV

I have got to admit that, staying these last couple of weeks with George has not been as horrible as I thought it would be. Don't get me wrong George is still an overgrown child. Honestly, if he was 4ft he could pass as one of my kids. He certainly fit in perfectly with the boys. It was actually hilarious to see how well he got along with the boys. One time, they had sneaked into the kitchen, stole two pies and proceeded to wreck the third. Of course, they all covered for each other and feigned ignorance. It was pretty cute especially when they went to bed for the next four days without any dessert. I am the boss.

The media were still letting up on me. Though some nice things have been said about me. I think that it helped that George and a few of my close celebrity friends came to my rescue. Some activists were even using me as a prime example of women being empowered. Had I been a man, I am pretty sure that the chances of people accusing me of sleeping my way to the top would have been greatly reduced. I have still been working from George's office, the paparazzi were still packed at my place and Tina was still working to get them permanently banned throughout the block. Meanwhile, Blair and Delores come here every other day to go over business and I still work with Catya at her own private studio instead of mine. Some social media were calling me a coward for hiding out and not acing my problems.

Like today, I am editing some of the videos that were shot for her music video. It was coming along pretty well. I was halfway done when I heard the door slamming and voices raised. One was definitely George and the other I could not recognize, it was coming from the foyer. Getting up from my seat, I opened the door a crack and could hear George yelling stuff like

"I don't get it. What the heck is her problem?" he bellowed.

"George come on be reasonable it won't look reasonable and good for your image for you not to go" a smaller and quitter voice spoke.

I slowly made my way from the door and walked barefoot to the living room from where all the yelling were coming from. It was George and I am pretty sure his publicist.

I stood back quietly and quietly listened to all that they were saying. It was quite an altercation with George getting madder every second.

"George, please listen to me-"

"I think I am done listening to you. I let you talk me into getting her a house with a driver, cars and a couple of maids. Now look where that has gotten me" he growled at him.

"Okay fine, I claim responsibility for that. But the media was getting closer to the truth"

"Fine. But you have to get that I don't care what the media thinks" he growled.

"George, please I am begging you. The media is already all over this. As we speak, they are already at the hospital" she tried to explain.

"Well take this as tough love"

"George please"

"I said no"


I saw that this conversation was going nowhere. It was time to intervene. I decided to let my presence known cause George getting more and more irritated. And an irritated George was not good thing. I cleared my throat and two pair of eyes were on me.

"Hi Diane" Yandi greeted tiredly.

"Hello Yandi" I greeted her back climbing down the stairs.

"Yandi thank you very much but if you don't mind I will take it from here" I said politely.

"Uhmm. Do you know what is going on?" she asked hesitantly.

"Don't worry about it. I will make sure that George will call you later"

Signed Away (SOON TO BE PUBLISHED ON AMAZON)Where stories live. Discover now