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Edit from the future: I wrote this when I was 15. I love this story and how it helped my writing get better but it's certainly not the best. Just so you know what you're in for. 

He sat in the cell. The only light came from the torch in the murky hallway on the other side of the bars. It was mostly silent except for a whisper or two between cellmates. The only companion he had was the bones of the dead that still littered the floor around him. He was awoken from his half sleep by the footsteps. He shuddered and held back tears. But he must not be cowardly because he was King Thranduil of Mirkwood. Through whipping and burning. Through starvation and thirst. He must remain brave. But he was breaking and if he didn't get out of this place soon he would release the information the orcs so wanted. The steps stopped at his cell and he bit back a sob. The figure's face showed through the gloom...

And it wasn't an orc or any outlandish creature of the depths of the world. It was a girl, more of a young woman. She had light multicolored eyes and her off brown hair had been put in dreadlocks that reached her waist. She was wearing the same horrid leather as the orcs. It had created a short, tight fitting shirt that stopped just below her ribs and a long skirt with slits up the side so the wearer could run. Her face was surprisingly clean compared to the others he had seen grasping the bars if their prison ad he was led here. She scanned King Thranduil's face, as though checking his identity. Then after her gaze landed on his circlet she pulled out a key and stuck it in the lock.

"Come on your majesty time to go or die trying." Her voice was soft and calm for the situation. It scared Thranduil. She swung the door open, but the king held back.

"Who are you?" He asked.

"Stupid questions at a stupid time." She muttered, still in her monotone voice. "I'm Thea now can we please get out of here?" The rhetorical question covered her anxious mood. This was the chance she had been waiting for. Sixty-seven years she had waited for her chance. Now if this dull king didn't hurry along she would lose it. Along with her life. He simply nodded, holding his tongue although he was bursting with questions.

How did you get a key?

Why are you only rescuing me?

Who are you? Not your name but your past.

Why are you here?

How long have you been here?

Thranduil noticed that she had a bloody knife in her hand and his fear of her grew. He was slightly more scared of her demeanor then the knife. They walked down the passage quickly but not at a run. The other captives started after the pair in confusion, anger,and even pity. Like they knew something bad was coming. A loud orcish whistle blew below shattering the sound of only the brisk footsteps. The woman, Thea, hissed under her breath. An actually hiss. Come on, come on she thought please be light. She began to run and the elven king followed. Her complicated escape plan had been carried out carefully and had been in planning for months, years, decades. Thranduil had never been a part of it until now. Mirkwood needed its king and if Thea could bring them that she would. It all went over the royal elves head, how perfect it had to be. They were racing upwards now as the ground sloped up. Thea looked behind her to see the king of mirkwood falling behind. After his torture and malnourishment he wasn't the elf he usually was. The door was just ahead but there were heavy orc steps echoing after the pair. Thranduil's eyes filled with alarm as they grew closer and he put his trust in the girl he was following. She shoved the seemingly seamless stone wall with her shoulder and the door swung out of the wall, a secret that had taken ages to find. A thin morning light filled the passage way. Seeing the freedom Thranduil ran faster and Thea pushed him in front of her before jumping out herself onto a slope somewhere in the depths of the misty mountains.

Hello my friends. Welcome to my new Thranduil fanfiction. I would like to thank @Tammyt70 for help and ideas. This chapter is dedicated to her. And thank you for reading. Also people have mentioned that Thranduil would never be this weak but I mean come on he's been in a dungeon for days. Would you be tired and weak? I would. Just pointing out... Or defending my writing.

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Colder than The King -A Thranduil Fic- #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now