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After sixty-seven years building walls they can be hard to get rid of. Thea showed Thranduil to Mirkwood and for her help he invited her to stay. Of course with her cross racial lineage he couldn't give her a higher place in the household then a personal servant but she didn't seem to mind. Legolas grew into a young prince in charge of the guard but Thea hardly changed. Her dreadlocks were replaced by long chestnut brown curls but her attitude never wavered. Once Thranduil had been known for being cold but now he wasn't the coldest.
Thea was colder
Colder then the king.

It had already been a hard day even before the dwarves showed up but Thranduil was getting over it. He was trying to get Thea to laugh, an almost everyday tasks which no one had succeed at.

"You really are ornery you know. You refuse to call me " my lord." You refuse To smile. To laugh. To wear shoes." He attempted. She stood straight faced. Not amused, not unamused.

"Your point?" She said and he rolled his eyes.

"You're impossible."

"I'm sorry my lord." At her words he burst into laughter and she regarded him coldly. Then turned and left the room, passing a slightly blood splattered Legolas on her way out.

"Ada." Said the prince. "We've found dwarves wandering through the woods. And not just any dwarves, Thorin Oakenshield." And in those words the eleven kings day went from bad to worse.

"Do NOT speak to me of dragon fire.  I know its wrath and ruin. I have fought the great serpents of the north." The magic covering Thranduil's scared  face melted away to reveal the lacerations hidden beneath. "I warned your grandfather of what his greed would summon...but he would not listen. You are the same." Thranduil finished his rant and for a moment everything went silent. It was Thea, not Thorin who abruptly ended it.

"Thranduil, dinner will be ready soon. When you're done interrogating your dwarvish friend come to the dining hall."

"My Lord" was working wonders Thea. And he is an enemy not a friend. But thank you." She nodded at the king's words and left as quietly as she has come. Only later would he realize she had been using sarcasm. Another way of speaking then just speaking.

"Stay here and rot if you will, and rot. A hundred years I'd a mere blink of an eye in the life of an elf. I'm patient. I can wait." Thranduil finished his one sided conversation with the heir of durin and gestured for his guards to take him back to the dungeons. The elves dragged Thorin down the hall, past Thea, who stared after them angry on the inside. She followed them down a few flights of stairs. Counting voices from the shadows, where the guards could not see her, and seething because no one deserved to be locked up. No matter who they were or what they had done. And Thea was going to stop it no matter what the cost.

I forgot how much fun writing was so because I'm on break I'll be updating alot more over the next two weeks.
Sorry this might turn into a bit of a Hobbit Fic, more The Battle of Five armies. But still mostly Thranduil

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Colder than The King -A Thranduil Fic- #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now